Never Love A Wild Thing

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The leaves crunched beneath my boots as i walked through the woods.

It was cold as well as dark outside, i pulled my hood up around my head, letting it cover my black curly hair that fell loosely past my shoulders.

I heard a twig snap behind me, i stopped walking & whipped my head back to see if there was anyone there.

I saw no one and kept walking in the direction i had been going in the first place.

I walked a couple more steps and this time i stopped to examine something on the ground.

It was a footprint, but not of a human but of a wolf.

I heard something rustle behind me & i turned around to be faced with a wolf.

The wolf was a foot away from me but i saw the glint in it's eyes, that glint when he wanted to kill, when he had his prey right in front of his eyes.

I was scared as anyone would be in front of a hungry, growling wolf.

I took a step back as if to run but i instantly regretted it when the massive beast pinned me to the ground & knocked the wind out of my lungs.

I gasped for breath while the wolf looked hungrily down at me, i don't know what it was waiting for i was easy prey he could've tore me to shreds right now if he wanted to but he isn't.

I regained my breathing and finally looked this huge beast in the eyes.

This was it. This was how i was going to die.

I closed my eyes but instead of death i just felt all this weight on top of me vanish.

I opened my eyes to see a guy my age with his back to me, he was crouched down in front of me i guess you could say protectively, he let out a growl.

I looked at what he was growling to, he was growling at the wolf.

"this can't be happening..." i whispered.

The guy turned around to face me.

When i saw his face i let out a little gasp, he had fangs and he was covered in hair.

"this isn't real..." i whispered to myself again.

Never Love A Wild ThingWhere stories live. Discover now