Do you remember?

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~~ (Y/N) POV~~
I turned back around to come face to face with a man.

He wore a black V neck tunic with a brown belt. Along with grey tights with black boots. His skin was a mix between white and silver. With his hair as white as snow. His sclera was black, and iris red.
Though, there's something off about his hat. The only way I could describe it is as a wispy shadow. It would flicker around like a candle every second. The hat didn't exactly look tangible, and some pieces that were missing faded into a blur.

I then that's the most perplex thing about his ensemble.

"Well, well, well." He said, breaking the silence. "We finally meet again."

I just sat there, dumbfounded. My eyes were wide, and mouth agap. I had nothing to say. I was just........stunned.

"Jeez. I go through all this trouble to find you, and you won't even talk." He spoke, obviously irritated. He then grabbed my chin with his index and thumb, and leaned in, only centimeters away from my face.

~~Dark Link:POV~~
I leaned close towards (Y/N)'s face, searching her eyes for any emotion. At the current moment, her main emotions I saw were confusion and embarrassment. Though I don't get what's so confusing to her. This has all happened before. With some things slightly different.

"Do you.... not remember?" I asked with a solemn expression. She just sat there.

As I removed my hand from her chin, (Y/N)  wrapped her arms around my waist and back, pulling me into a hug. If for only a moment, I hesitated to hug her back, but quickly vanquished that thought.

"Oh my Zalgo." She whispered.
Huh? How does she know about Zalgo? "I can't believe this day would ever transpire."

"So then, does that mean you remember me?" I asked. Then, (Y/N) did the unexpected; she started hysterically screaming and squealing. I was taken aback by her sudden outburst. I always knew that (Y/N) was a strange person to be around, though this was completely out of character. Remembering that we were still in a tight embrace, I began to pry myself off of the deranged girl.

Once I was free, I scanned over (Y/N)'s face. She had a gleeful smile plastered across her face. Her palms were on her cheeks, whilst her (E/C) orbs glistened with joy. You could practically see the stars in her eyes.

She then sunk down into a 'W' sitting position and whispered to herself, "I can't believe that i hugged THE DARK LINK!"

Hellos the peoples! I ams le back!

Some of you may already know that I started school already. Meaning that I can't update on Wednesday regularly. Thus I am now and, probably, forever updating on Fridays and/ or Saturdays.

Btw- idk if Dark Link knows both Zalgo and Ganondorf, so imma just put him as an enemy to the both of them

Word count: 505

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