Hello, (Y/N)~

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~~Dark Link POV~~
After about 2 hours in the tub, I finally decided to get out. I took a step out and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around my waist. I picked up another and put it on my damp hair.
Just as I began to dry my hair, one of the maids knocked and entered the room. She started to inform me on (Y/N).

"She woke up approximately 30 minutes after you got in the bath. She was in a vary weak state, and needed help to sit up. She's currently in bedroom 7. Then for about 20 minutes, (Y/N) was questioned on her memory." The maid stated. "And?" I asked.

"(Y/N) doesn't remember who she is, nor her own age. The last thing she remembered before waking up was being in an argument with you. Then she said she suddenly blacked out." The maid informed. "Do you know what might've happened to cause that, or what happened after?"

I sighed. "Sadly, i do." Is all I said before going silent. The maid took the hint and left me in the facilities alone. I sat on a stool as I started to dry my hair that was already partially dry. After I dried the rest of my body, I put on the sleepwear another maid left in a bamboo cubby for me.

Walking out wearing my slippers, I head to the room the maid told me (Y/N) would be staying in to recuperate. While walking down the hallway, I overheard 2 maids walking in the opposite direction of (Y/N)'s room, talking about her. One of them said how it was my fault (Y/N) was in her current state. The other said how she thought I was possibly in love with (Y/N), and that that was why I brought her here in the first place.

However, a few moments later, the maids must've sensed my presence, because they immediately stopped their conversation. When we passed, I looked then both dead strait in the eyes, as if to say "I'm coming for you next".

They stopped walking and began to shake. I could hear their breathing hitch. I stopped walking and spoke in a low growl. "I'll give you a warning. Though, if you utter of such nonsense ever again, you will not go unpunished." As I continue walking, I could hear one of the maids fall to her knees. I scoff a bit.

Once I reach (Y/N)'s room, I enter without knocking. There I see her sitting in her bed reading a book; (F/B). If I remember correctly, (Y/N) once told me about that book. It was one of her favorites. When she realizes I entered the room, a neutral expression stays on her face.

A small smile graces my lips as  speak. "Hello, (Y/N)."


OMFG!!! It's been WAY too long. School is honestly too flipping draining. I didn't want to do anything. BUT NOW I'm going to try to update this book more. And with all of my ideas that I've been getting recently, I should update more.

As a heads up to anyone who plans to stay reading this, in May ill be having STAAR Tests. So ill have to be away from my electronics to study.

Other than that, I should update more than I have in the past few months.

Anyway, I'm glad you've stayed this long. I was actually really surprised ANYONE clicked on this story. But now I see that I have 3K reads. So I thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Word count: 616
Updated: Jan 21, 2019 1:00am

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