Chapter Fifteen 🌶

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"What the actual fuck, dude?" Aubrey chastised once Grant relaxed. Bode was kneeling on the ground, naked yet again with his shredded clothes discarded, now useless, a few feet away. Aubrey shoved past Cole and hurried down the deck stairs, taking two at a time.

Grant crouched near Bode, speaking low as he examined Bode's bitten wrist.

"He knew the consequences. He's always wanted an excuse to leave, Bode." Grant said. Bode nodded, his jaw tight, his eyes stone as he looked out into the woods, the area Avery had taken to make his grand exit.

"He might come back," Bode replied after a moment, and Aubrey hesitated. This felt personal.

"You know the rules. It's not possible." Grant looked up then, catching Aubrey waiting. He squeezed Bode's bare shoulder before standing up. "I'll go grab you some pants." The alpha nodded at Aubrey before starting to heading past her. Grant paused, turning to look down at Aubrey. "This isn't your fault, either, Aubrey." He gave her the same shoulder squeeze as Bode before heading to the deck.

Yes. Yes, it is. If she hadn't come to Morganton this wouldn't have happened. Aubrey bit her lip, staring down at where Bode was still kneeling. This was the moment, the defining moment. Something inside of her told her that if she went to him that all this would be over. All this indecision would feel like a distant memory.

Before her mind could choose, her heart picked for her.

Aubrey knelt in front of Bode. He grimaced as he looked up, leaning forward to lean his head against Aubrey's shoulder. Aubrey reached up with shaking hands. She threaded her fingers through the short black locks of his hair. She paused a moment before pressing her lips against the side of his head.

He felt like coming home after a long journey. It was the feeling you got when you'd been in the car for hours or even days. You FINALLY see the familiar streets of your home peaking over the horizon. All the exhaustion faded then into excitement and relief. 

"You okay?" He asked, pulling away, worry plain as day in those fascinating grey and blue eyes of his. They looked like they were a swirling hurricane. What remained hidden in the eye of that storm?

"Am I okay?" Aubrey croaked out, shaking her head. As her eyes fell to his mangled wrist, she felt as if she was going to vomit again.

"It's just a scratch."

The fuck it was. The flesh around Bode's wrist looked mangled, bits hanging off like ribbons of flesh. Aubrey could have sworn she saw that horrific white glint of bone peaking out as well. Aubrey couldn't help it: she gagged. Aubrey was not one for blood.

"It's obvious why you never went into the medical field, Aub." Cole laughed from the deck. Aubrey flipped him the bird as she wiped tears from her eyes. Despite everything, she felt relieved. That fight could have ended so much worse than it did. The air smelled of iron from the crimson blood leaking down Bode's arm and to the ground. The smell causes Aubrey's stomach to swirl even more.

To Aubrey's relief, Grant walked up then with jeans, a shirt, and a towel. Bode struggled into them as Aubrey averted her eyes. She felt her own body stiffening as Bode hissed when Grant wrapped the towel around his wrist.

"Are we taking him to the hospital now?" Aubrey asked, standing up from the wet grass. Her legs, now covered in grass and mud, caused her to wonder how she was going to explain that one to Bea later.

Grant shook his head. "Shifters heal pretty fast. The vital parts are already healing. The muscle will follow. Then the skin. His arm should LOOK good in an hour or so. It won't heal completely for a few days."

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