Chapter Six✔

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Aubrey clutched Avery's arm as he helped her walk over the discarded branches and rocks scattering the clearing.  The Our Lady of the Waters's blessing had been greeted with beautiful weather as the priest blessed each boat for their fall sailing adventures. It was soothing, standing on the docks with Avery in the late summer afternoon, the smells of vendors wafting from their food trucks.

The breeze blew in warm, carrying the plethora of scents, but not California warm. It chilled her to the bone, so while everyone was walking around in short sleeves she donned her trusty jacket and warm brown leather boots. She would never get used to this cursed cold weather. Avery noticed her chill and laid an arm over her shoulder, and she had shivered into his warmth, goosebumps forming on her arms. It was a pleasant enough date, very high school sweet in her opinion. But Avery was kind and made her laugh, so she couldn't say she wasn't enjoying herself. Still, guilt gnawed at the pit of her belly.

Before long, after downing a few too many funnel cakes and fried Oreos they made their way to the forest behind a quick drive away,  where she was now grumbling angrily at the twigs and branches under her breath. In the distance, she could see the tendrils of smoke and hear the chatter of people. She cocked her head at Avery, uncertain what was happening. They were supposed to be taking a quiet walk and then heading back towards her home where she would dish all the details to Bea.

He grinned sheepishly at her. "I may have forgotten to mention this part. We're having a bonfire, I thought you'd enjoy it."

She bit her lip but nodded, she had wanted to get inside her warm house and into some pajamas. "Yeah, that sounds fun."

He didn't notice her hesitation and simply grinned happily down at her, much like a labrador, and started leading her to the small cluster of people. She recognized Cope and Cole, but the rest was a blur of people she recognized from around town, but couldn't put a name on.

He tugged her to the first set of people. It was a man named Marco, lean and wiry, with dark hair and dark olive skin. His eyes were so brown they were almost black, and he stood with his arms wrapped around his polar opposite. While he was tall and wiry, she was short and curvy, her hair like blonde woven silk and her eyes as blue as the sky after a raining day.

"Kissa." She grinned, holding her hand out. Aubrey took it readily, eyes darting down to the tiny bump protruding her white sweater. She noticed and her grin spread, placing her hand on her stomach. "I'm due in December." She informed Aubrey proudly.

Aubrey blinked, shocked at her already prominent bump, and before she could say anything else, Kissa answered the question forming on her lips. "Twins. I'm having Twins. Ah! I'm so excited I just can't stop telling everyone!"

"Oh my gosh, a whole litter." Aubrey joked lightheartedly, but the trio around her didn't think it was funny. The smile slid right off Kissa's mouth and her blue eyes darted to Marco's. Even Avery was stiffened behind her. "Uhm," Aubrey cleared her throat, feeling as I'd her foot was lodged in her mouth," because there are so many babies in there." She finished weakly, shrinking back into Avery's side.

"Oh," Kissa said slowly, forcing an uneasy smile. "Of course."

Marco cleared his own throat before placing his hand on the small of his wives back. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Aubrey. I'm gonna take this one to get some hot chocolate. Gotta keep the...litter warm." And then they were gone, walking towards a table with crackpots hooked up to a small generator. Aubrey caught the concerned look on Kissa's face and the look Marco shot over his shoulder as he shook his head. Something was up.

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