Chapter XXIX

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Natsu landed on the deck out of nowhere. I gaped in shock when he pounded down from the sky on one knee with his left hand on the deck to stabilize him. He still looked a bit ashamed, probably from his earlier loss of control, but I didn't care. Erza and I both bolted towards him, jumping on him before he even got the chance to stand up. Other crew members followed, some getting in on the hug while others asked relentless questions. I smiled when I felt his lips land on my forehead, but in the chaos of his return, I didn't think anyone noticed.

He stood up, giving Gray a fist bump before beginning to shout orders. "Head back to Yewsi!" he shouted. "We still have business there! And please make it quick." We did as he said without hesitation, changing course back to the port quickly. I noticed Natsu glancing behind us nervously, and I saw that the ship that had taken him was changing trajectory to follow us.

We made it back to Yewsi in nearly half the time it had taken to sail away from it, seeing as we were now propelled by the current. He took the wheel from Gray, sailing towards where we had gone to investigate the waters in search of the Dragon's Eye. He glanced behind us to see the large ship about two miles behind us. He ran over to the anchor, hoisting it into the water with the help of the crew.

He gazed over the side, and I saw his eyes flicker green for a split second before he ran over to Juvia. She quickly gave him her necklace with no questions, and he threw it around his neck before jumping over the side of the ship. It all happened so quickly, I could barely process his actions. I stared blankly at the side of the ship with the rest of the crew, and we all seemed to snap out of it and bolt over to the spot where he'd leapt off.

I knew the necklace would keep him from drowning, but I couldn't keep the worry from filling me. Erza and Gray were both panicking, looking over the side of the ship desperately. I quickly headed over to them, and explained the necklace's capabilities. They sighed in relief, but I knew they were still just as concerned as me. I gazed over the side again as Erza calmed the crew with my explanation, and I could just barely make out a small bubble with an unearthly blue glow descending deep into the ocean's depths.


As soon as I dove in, I quickly pushed the water around my head away, creating a small pocket of air. The water was murky, but the stone let me feel the water in a way that made it feel like seeing, but not with my eyes. Since it was everywhere, I could 'see' everything, but at the same time see nothing. It was quite a disorienting sensation, but I pushed down nonetheless.

Stupidly, I'd forgotten my sword on the deck in my haste, and I could feel the menacing desires grip my mind like a vice. Horns began to push through my skull, and my tongue ran over elongated teeth. I felt the maddening sensation slither across my soul, tainting every moral I had left.

Deep on the ocean's sandy bottom, I could sense an unnaturally shaped object, and even though it was clouded with mud, I could see a faint glow coming from the object's direction.

I used the water to create a new current, pulling the object towards me and dislodging it from the sand as I swam down even closer to it. I was somewhat hesitant to touch it based on the amount of sheer power pulsing from its glowing center, but I winced when my teeth sliced my tongue, and knew I couldn't exactly take my time.

When my fingers grazed its surface, my mind was plunged into an icy sea of darkness. I felt emptiness, but at the same time I felt endless possibilities. A deep voice rumbled through the void, and chills ran down my spine. Child, I'm aware you can't stay long, so do you understand what I am and what I will do? I nodded, unable to move my mouth to speak for I didn't have any physical form in this place. Good, the voice said contentedly, then what is it you seek?

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