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It had been weeks since Jack and I became involved. It was the middle of term one and it was my birthday. Jack invited me over his house, he said he had a surprise. I was nervous about the surprise, one of my thoughts made me sick to the stomach and the other just made me excited. I went over his house that Friday night. To reassure my parents, his parents and him met us at the door. My parents and his got along well so mine left and Jack took me up to his room and told me to wait. He also said "My parents are going out for a while." I heard the table being set or cleaned off, I wasn't sure. Then Jack came up stairs and gave me a blindfold to put on.

I put it on and Jack guided me down the stairs. When we got downstairs Jack told me to stop. He went around behind me and took my blindfold off. It was so romantic! Candles were lit and the table was set elegantly. I turned to Jack and said, "It's amazing Jack! Thankyou!"

"Its ok," he said calmly, his face moving closer to mine. I pulled away, "I don't know how to," I said feeling embarrassed that I didn't know how to kiss. "Don't worry Christine, I'll teach you," Jackson said. He leant forward and our lips touched. It felt amazing! I didn't want it to end. Jackson pulled away slowly. "Want something to eat?" he asked. "Sure," I said as casual as I could manage at that moment.

He laughed his adorable laugh, noticing how starstruck I was. (What? It was my first time.) It was so fun hanging out with Jack, he was so easy to get along with. That night I asked him, "What happens when people at school find out?" "No matter what anyone says about you, I will always love you," he replied.

I looked at him, he looked at me, our eyes locked. Jackson brushed a piece of my hair behind my ear with his finger and kissed me. I wasn't sorry about this at all. It felt like we were made for each other. I loved him, and he loved me for who I was. Faults and all. We stayed up watching movies. While we were sitting on his couch he pulled me closer and kissed me on the forehead. I leaned my head on his shoulder and he put his head on mine. It was so romantic.

I fell asleep on his shoulder so he woke me up and we went to bed. Before going to bed Jack kissed me on the forehead again but instead of standing there and smiling. I went up on my tippy toes and kissed him on the lips. He kissed back. The kiss was long but it had to end like most. I pulled away slowly and smiled cheekily. He smiled and kissed me again. Though this one was shorter it was just as amazing as our first kiss. After that we went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2014 ⏰

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