First day

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It was my first day at high school. I went to the assembly room to be appointed to my social studies class and I was appointed to the same social studies class as my friend Georgia. We were so excited to be hanging out together on the first day. Social studies was such a drag! The first day started out depressing until I saw him. He was in almost all my classes! I was sure I was in love! His eyes were a crystal blue and his hair was dark amber... his smile was so adorable. By coincidence my teachers kept locating me to the seat next to him. I didn't know how to introduce myself. 'Hi! I'm Christine' That was way too cheesy. Uggh! 'Hey I'm Christine.' Perfect! I sat down in my seat and went to introduce myself and then comes this girl. She was really pretty, almost perfect. Blonde highlights and enough makeup on to last ME a year! She introduced herself to him and as she walked away she gave me this cold glare as if to say "Please, your cheap ass wouldn't stand a chance with him!" I already started disliking this girl! The teacher went around the classroom and got us to start introducing ourselves. When it got to my crush he said "Hey everyone, I'm Jack." And didn't say anything else! His words were quiet and calm. Then the blonde shot her hand up. "Hey I'm Mackenzie and I have a description for Jack... Tall, dark and handsome!" I could not believe she said that in front of the whole class! Jackson covered his face with his hands as if he was saying "Please stop!"

I passed him a note. 'Are you ok?' He passed it back. 'Not really.'

'Whats up?'

'Girls like me without getting to know me, I am not a player like the other boys.'

'I'm willing to get to know you.'

'I'm willing to get to know you too.'

Our eyes connected. We looked away at the same time. He blushed, I blushed. What next?

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