Chapter 11

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Thanks for waiting so patiently guys! I'm back at school and IB is a bitch lol, so my uploads may be a bit sporadic...sorry. But i'm trying : )

Dedicated to @elise1016 for the awesome support! Thanks so much <3


Chapter 11

"I'm a what?"

"A Copy Cat. Your gift is of imitation. Any gift you witness you take in and use to your advantage. Always. It never leaves you and you can never release it. Indestructible," Sin said running his fingers through his hair a ghostly expression crossing his face before it contorted with anger.

"It's impossible! It's a myth! You're a myth! You cannot exist..." He rambled on.

"Open your eyes cousin! It's right there! In your face! She is what the scrolls speak of," Nikolai said.

Sighing, I pulled on the shirt. I'm getting really tired of all this new responsibility already. I'm not the type of girl to handle stuff and be ready in situations. I'm not her whoever her is. They want me to come back to Eenoy Lume and become a Princess for God knows how long, then become Queen, and now on top of all that, I'm some type of indestructible copy cat that was written about forever ago apparently....

Can life get any worse?

Turning around I notice Sin and Nikolai in a quiet conversation. Don't you just hate when people do that? I mean I'm right here in the room with you, I know you're talking about me, it's obviously something bad by the way they're crouched together and how Sin looks absolutely murderous, and whatever conclusion you come to will probably affect me forever.


"Hello?" I say, no attention given to Sapphira at the moment.

"I can still see you guys!" I say, not even a nod in my direction.

"I know you're talking about me!" I say, annoyance clear in my tone.

Not a blink nor break in conversation to humor me.

"You do realize I'm pretty much naked under this shirt right?" I said loudly.

They didn't even take a breath.

'Okay something is seriously wrong here.' I think to myself and just like in your favorite childhood cartoons, a lightbulb flicked on over my head.

Okay not a real lightbulb, but you catch my drift.

'Time for some snoopin'!' I think, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

I breathe deeply and concentrate following the 'path' that leads me to Nikolai's mind. I like it in here, he blocks out the important stuff like memories, which irks me to no end but he has interesting thoughts.

Well picture-thoughts, since most of his word-thoughts are not in english.

One was clear as day though.

'Nice try Prin-tsyes-sa.'

'Please! I wanna know...' I sent an image of me pouting his way.

'Little Kat, you amuse me with the thought of that face working to meet a goal.'

A pout spread across my face then, making him chuckle in my mind as he still spoke aloud to Sin, frustrating me with his easy multi-tasking.

'I'm glad I amuse you. Now let me know!' I mind-shouted, growing irritated.

'No,' he said simply. 'You will not like what you learn.'

'But it is about me though.'

'Don't ask silly questions that you already know the answer to.'

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