Accidental Princess

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Hi everyone! This is my first story in this category and I am really excited for you to read my brain child : P . Please Comment, Vote and Fan if you love it!




Chapter 1

I knew I should've worn pants. I usually wore jeans or at least shorts under my skirt, but not tonight. No I wanted to be sexy, so I slipped on my knock off black mini dress and some six inch black peep-toe platforms and made my way to Club Reverb.

I really regret that decision now, as the cool October air nipped at my bare legs, causing goosebumps to rise along the smooth caramel skin, but I walked on anyway, 'I can ignore the cold for one night.' I thought to myself. I've been a good girl, I make good grades and even take care of all eight of the little kids in my group home when Ms. Nell is too drunk to do it herself. I think I deserve a break, and the brand new fake ID I bought from that senior, Jason, is gonna get me there.

Walking down the rundown streets of the warehouse district I call home, I'm all alone. Which isn't unusual, I mean who would voluntarily live here? There's graffiti everywhere, abandoned buildings and boarded up houses that signal foreclosure. Drug feinds are pretty common and shootings aren't abnormal. Everything is basically grey in the day, but at night it's completely different. I feel like Belle from the Beauty and the Beast when she enters the scary forest. Only my forest is more like a concrete jungle, and I see a group of Jaguar's right now...

As I turn the corner I'm no longer alone. A group of guys, each at least twenty-one or older, are sitting on the stairs near the neighborhood corner store. I see bottles of Jack being shared between them. 'Just what I need. Some wannabe thugs tryna talk to me. Raining all on my parade.' I sighed. 'Just keep walking. If you don't look at them, maybe they won't see you.'

The smell of marijuana hit my nose like a freight train, and I have to push down the acid in my empty stomach. Why is it that in order to be 'down' or 'hood' you have to smoke and be a bum too?

"Hey girl, come here!" One said. I kept my eyes straight ahead and just kept walking, but from the corner of my eye, I noticed that he moved to stand.

'Just keep walking. Just keep walking. Just keep walking. Two more blocks and you're home free...' I chanted, over and over in my head.

"Sweet bits! I know you heard my friend. You hear him calling you, look at a man when he talks to you," Another one roared, suddenly in front of me. His funky breath stopping me in my tracks. I glared up at the figure and held my breath. He was tall - everyone was tall to my five-foot-three frame, but even in heels he towered over me by at least six inches. His tan skin and almond eyes looked down at me hungrily.

He was wearing the standard baggy jeans, clean sneakers and a black Abercrombie sweater.

"Excuse me..." I mumbled, trying to move around him, only to be blocked again by his looming form. I heard footsteps behind me and realised that his friends had joined the 'party'.

"Hold up! Where you think you goin'?" He asked.

"Yeah, we just wanna talk to you," Another one said behind me, causing Abercrombie sweater to smirk.

"I like your dress," Yet another added.

"I like your legs," Another said, causing the group to laugh.

Okay, time to get mean.

"Then you'd like them even better when they walk away," I said and pushed Abercrombie aside, attempting to walk away.

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