Chapter Three-Ghost's Watch

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"I told you to go to the Ghost Watch", Fee said.

"You don't know about the curse, Fee", Sharon shivered.

"You can't-".

"I know a lot more than you do".

"And that give you the right-".

"Ghosts don't come to you. Or scare you because they want you to be scared. Unless you seek them out...and you get haunted by them".

"And you're an expert".

"The Ghost Watch is a group of New York kids who go ghost hunting. In one case, a girl committed suicide at Sheppard's Bridge. There's other tales of horror too".

"Not all ghosts die violently...or tragically".

"Ghosts die because of tragedy. There's no such thing as a good ghost; there's just good spirits". And they headed towards the Manner house with their flashlights...just as Fee stared at the wind that suddenly froze her body.


The Manner House looked ominous, like the one from Shirley Jackson's book. Free looked at the statues of John Manner, Joan Manner, and their three children: Mark; Harrison; and Beth. They had crazed looks on their faces, as if daring intruders to come inside the house of death. That that was what it was: the house of death.

"Do you think we should go in?", Fee asked her friend.



"Because it's cursed".


"The Manner family died from madness. It was rife in the 19th century. See, you need to know what happened, Fee".

"So, the Ghost Watch group knew that the house...".


"And why are we here?".

"Because you need to see her".


"Beth Manner".

"The mad girl who locked herself in the bedroom...then killed herself". Fee shivered. Then they peered upward.

And, just as they did so, the face of Beth Manner appeared along the window...and both girls screamed...And they never visited the haunted Manner House ever again.


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