the first greeting

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The need to practice my magic quickly outweighed the risk of being discovered. As the cullen's and wolves continued training to bring down the army that was headed their way, I exercised control of my deadly abilities and learned how to use them against the new borns. My first training sessions with the pack was fast approaching, mere hours between them. Quil lay sprawled across his bed, myself perched on the floor with my back leaning comfortably on the edge of his bed.

He was nervous, that much I could tell. Whether it was for me or for him, or any number of the dogs he called his brother, was something I didn't know. We sat in silence, his heavy breathing filled the space that words couldn't. He sat up abruptly and slid off the bed, joining me on the floor. His arm pressed against my shoulder and warmth seeped through my entire body. If there was one simple thing I missed the most living with the Cullens, it was the warmth of human contact.

"Embry will be there", he began to speak timidly, looking over to see if I grew angry at his words. Being comforted by the gentle expression on my face, he continued. "He has this image in his head that all witches are evil, that they brew potions in some kind of evil lair and curse children in their spare time. I don't know how he'll react when he sees you there, but I don't want you to get your hopes up"

A gentle smile blossomed on my face, the apples of my cheeks lifting as I turned to face him. I wasn't happy that Embry hated me, it was probably one of the worst parts of my short existence. However, as I sat here with Quil, he cared enough about me and how I felt, to warn me about his best friend, I couldn't bring myself to care that Embry hated me. I had friends, I had a family, one that consisted of more than three people for the first time in my life. And this beautiful boy next to me was a member of that family.

I was proud to say that Quil Ateara was my friend, and for now that was enough.


I was wrong. So, so, incredibly, amazingly, pathetically wrong. I told myself it would be fine, that I could live with Embry hating me because I had Quil. I had Alice, and Jasper, and Rosie, and Emmett, and Bella, but it wasn't enough. The moment I stepped foot into the clearing, the pack was snarling. They bared their teeth and growled with all they had, the only exceptions being Quil and Jacob, who had become acquainted with me and knew of my benevolent nature. I sent the two boys--or wolves?--a quick smile, choosing to block out the pack rather than focus on their intense hatred.

As Carlisle talked, I couldn't concentrate due to the feeling of eyes on me. I had capture the attention of Embry, and was staring holes in the side of my head. I turned my head to the side to capture his gaze with my own, his pupils dilating when met with my own. I let a gentle smile rest on my face, trying to seem as approachable as possible, or at least trying to seem as though I don't are potions and eat small children.

He seemed a little surprised at my friendly gesture, and looked in the direction of Jacob and Quil, who were paying close attention to Carlisle. The training soon begun, and when I looked back to the location of embryos wolf, I was greeted with a blank space. I could feel my heart swimming in my stomach, the rejection hitting me full force. Who was Embry, to imprint on me and form this unbreakable connection with me, only to reject me every chance he got? How was any of this fair?

As I turned to return my attention to the training session, the heavy footfall of someone running caught my attention. Jogging out of the trees came who I assume was Embry, and he had certainly met my expectations. His skin was a warm tan colour, that seemed to glow with warmth. His hair was dark and silky, swept over to one side and looked the perfect type of soft that you would want to run your hands through. He was beautiful.

And he was walking right towards me.

I tried to hide my surprise at his approach, but i'm sure he could tell I was shocked. I mean, the boy hadn't spoken me in almost a month, even though i was his soulmates and now he wants to wander over like he doesn't have a care in he world? as if.

He stood next to me, the warmth radiating of his skin like he was some kind of heater. I could feel his eyes on me and when i glanced up to admire him, he gave me a smile that would've made any girl turn to jelly.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2019 ⏰

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