an unideal imprint

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"who are we waiting for?"

Rosalie turned and gave me a strained smile, almost like she was physically pained at the thought of whoever we were waiting for. Rose and I had formed a bond almost the instant we were introduced, I liked her because she didn't bow down to anyone else. She had her own opinions and stuck to them even when everyone wanted her to change, but this isn't to be confused with stubbornness. From my short time with her I had learned she could develop new opinions based on new knowledge, that she could change her opinion if she believed she was wrong in the past. One thing she stayed firm on was her belief that Bella Swan most definitely should not be brought into the vampire world. 

The Swan girl stood by Edward side, leaning against Emmett's jeep that was parked idly on the edge of the clearing. Personally, I didn't have an opinion on Bella or her thirst for immortality. Having only met her late last night and spent a grand total of 2 minutes talking to her, I can't say that I know her or what she's like. The one observation that I was absolutely certain about was that her and Edward were connected at the hip. Having learned a lot at home about the supernatural creatures, she knew that this was often the case with vampires and their mates. 

I was drawn from my thoughts at the sound of approaching steps, but they definitely weren't human steps, they carried far too much weight for that. I stared in wonder as a pack of massive wolves approached the family, coming to a stand still on top of a large rock. The largest was an all black wolf, who stood out amongst his varying brown and silver companions. Jasper looked over in my direction, sensing my obvious confusion.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms"

Edward spoke quickly with a hint of anger, confirming my thoughts that he most certainly did not trust them either. It was the part about human forms that caught my attention. I had never seen a shapeshifter up close, nor had I ever been provided with the opportunity to meet one. Growing up I was always told that witches and shapeshifters did not get along, and left it at that. Seeing the bite shaped scars that lines the elders bodies I had no urge to ever meet a shapeshifter, yet here I was. The one who was clearly the Alpha snarled at me, and I almost took a step back if it wasn't for the fearless impression I wanted to make. I was unsure if they could smell my fear, but I sure as hell wouldn't show it. 

Edwards voice filled my ears once more, "The pack wants to know who she is and why they should trust her". He grinned at me and motioned for me to step forward.

I took a greedy intake of air to calm myself, and continued to move forward slowly. Edwards voice was heard once more, but clearly he hadn't spoke out loud. I heard him in my mind, telling me that I should introduce myself and tell them where I come from.

"My name is Athena, and I am an ally to Carlisle", I paused my introduction, unsure if I should mention that I was a witch. Rosalie gave me an encouraging smile that was enough to ease my nerves, she had my back. "I'm a witch from Australia, and I grew up in a small remote village with others of my kind"

At the word witch, many of the wolves snarled in my direction and I glanced over their faces to take in what they really looked like. As they showed their obvious distaste for my kind, I made sure the only thing I showed to them was interest. My initial fear had faded now, knowing that my magic could most likely take on a few, and even if they killed me I wouldn't stay dead for long, while I'm sure that the wolves would die forever. Taking my time to examine their features, I tuned out Edwards voice, I already knew about the newborns and felt no need to listen to the information for a second time around.

The thing that intrigued me most was the way that their eyes looked so undoubtedly human. I was surprised I hadn't noticed when they first arrived, there was no way these eyes could belong to an animal. I scanned over their faces briefly, connecting my eyes with those of a grey wolf, his form was sleek with black patches covering his fur. The wolves body stilled completely, his eyes boring into mine with such intensity I felt all prior fear wash over me once more. All attention was now on us, both the vampires and wolves seemed unsure of the situation. Rosalie was at my side in an instance, her body rigid, more so than usual. 

The dog let out a sudden whine, his head dropping in such a fashion it could have been mistaken as a bow. Some of the wolves let out sounds that sounded so similar to laughter, but had an incredibly strange tone coming from the mouth of an animal. Some of the wolves glared at the grey one, and I didn't understand what was going on at all. 

I could hear Carlisle urging everyone to remain calm and continue with the training session. Emmett stepped up to fight jasper first, being the prime example of a newborn attack because he relied on his strength to win a fight. In the blink of an eye, Esme was at my side, encouraging me to return to the house with Luke, who had until now been sitting peacefully against the trunk of a tree. I looked at her with curiosity seeping out of me, I didn't understand anything about what was happening right now. I didn't know what had happened with that wolf, why I was being told to leave training when I had to learn how to fight new borns, or why everyone was so tense. 

I opened my mouth to argue with the kind woman, but my eyes then connected with the black wolf. The alpha. He nodded his head in the direction of the Cullen residence and I took this as indication that I was not wanted or needed here. Taking the key's from Edward, I swung my body into the drivers seat of the jeep and put the key in ignition. As soon as Luke was perched in the passenger seat I pulled away from the clearing with speed, and drove away to the Cullen house.

I was reminded of one thing when my eyes met those of the guy wolf in the rearview mirror. I was unsure as to what it was, but some kind of bond had been formed between myself and that wolf. Now, I just needed to find out what it was.

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