in transit

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"not to offend you and your 'godly' instincts, but are you sure we can trust this man?"

I snapped my head over to glance at Luke's figure momentarily. The sun filtered through the glass and shone down on his warm skin making him appear as a wonderfully tan angel, here to save me from my demons. I shook my head lightly, wispy strands of hair falling in front of my face and a light laugh of disbelief escaped my lips.

"If he wasn't trustworthy, I wouldn't have trusted him"

Luke scoffed lightly at my words that barely answered his question, and instead focused his attention on the surrounding environment. He, unlike myself, had never stepped foot in an airport. We currently stood at a departure gate staring in wonder out of the wall of glass. Aeroplanes moved slowly across the tarmac taking their positions for flight, some arriving from the sky to going the human word.  The concept that machinery could move through the air entirely suspended all due to physics amazed Luke, having never left the new civilisation. My eyes drifted across to his handsome face once more, taking in the pure wonder that settled across his features.

I grinned at his excitement and angled my body towards the speakers that crackled to life.

"passengers, flight AF583 to Seattle, Washington is now ready for boarding. Please have your passports and boarding passes at the ready"

A large smile tok over my face as I slyly grinned up at Luke's looming figure. My body was bouncing as I hurried to going the ever-growing line of passengers joining this flight, my hand shaking with anticipation. AS I took in the surrounding of the airport one last time an older woman fell into my line of vision, her judgmental expression focussed on my overly excited figure. I felt my cheeks warm slightly but painful her no mind, nothing could tie away my excitement now.

Stepping up to the staff member at the boarding gate I handed her all of my documentation, watching as she scanning my pass and granted me passage to the aircraft. I once more felt the comforting presence of my best friend at my side. Taking his hand in mine we stepped through the entryway that would lead to the aeroplane, and after that to the rest of our lives.


super short I know but bear with me, this is just a transition chapter. I hope everybody enjoys the story!

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