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Finally, the savior I had been looking for burst through the door and pulled Cam off of me. I scrambled to put on whatever clothes were closest and ran through the door.

It felt like all eyes were on me as I stumbled drunkenly through the halls, puking whenever necessary. I never wanted to see that monster again.

Now where would I go? Brandy was probably off hookkng up with some guy. Obviously I couldn't go home in this state. My parents would kill me! And I sure as hell couldn't go to the police. I'd get in huge trouble, be known as 'the party crasher', and I'd probably  lose everything I'd worked for in my school.

I was a sobbing, pukey, makeup smeared mess by the time I thought of where I could go. My best friend and I's meeting spot. Under the slide at the little park between our houses. No one would think to look for me there, but crap! I couldn't even go there because I would have to pass my house. My parents are always on high alert.

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