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I hope this is up to the standard
Bear with me.
It's the end

It has been 10 months, past my due date, Abhi was worrying hoping no complications. I was worried too but wanted not add on the worry he had and maybe for my health as it wasn't good for the baby.
After talking to my mother she had said it sometimes happened but encouraged to be positive. She said she would pray and sooner i would be ok.

On a calm evening, while waitng for the boys to come back home the pains started. I thought it was the usual but later it intensified, the waters broke and I new it was time. Requested for an ambulance,  then called Abhi.

"Babe, are you ok?" He asked.
While I here did scream, in a panic he said "Babe am on my way." Driving crazy he got home and luckily the ambulance had arrived. Rushing to the ambulance he held her hand "love am coming right behind you" she held his hand tightly.

Dropping off Junior at a friend's place, Abhi rushing to hospital. Reaching their he heard screams and moved to that side and saw her.  He requested if he cango in and be with her. Dressing up, he rushed to her side kissing her forehead he said "Babe am here, all will be ok" she shook her head a little in acceptance until cramp that sent her screaming. He held her hand tighter and encouraged her to push.

Finally the 2 little angels graced them with their presence.  Mother and babies were ok say for Abhi who was still recovering from his experience in the theater. Junior was excited to see his lil' sisters who were so adorable.  They were a female version of him, Abhi kept looking at his world in awe and wouldn't ask for anything else.

Later when Junior had gone home and the babies sleeping,  Abhi held her hand and kissed it.

"Am sorry for all i put you through" he said.

"What are you taking about Abhi? We all are fine and this is part of the gift of motherhood." She said.

"No Pragya." He spoke this with too much seriousness and pain in his voice. "For abandoning you when you needed me the most. For choosing other people over you, i should never have left you alone. I wonder what you went through during the birth of Junior all by yourself.  Forgive me bæ, this can never be enough but i am really sorry and ashamed." His head was on her laps and she was massaging his head to soothe his guilty.

"Abhi what happened happened, am glad we have you with us and that's what really matters. Junior is very proud of you, he adores you too much. And now we have these 2, we have to look ahead now. The past helped us get to where we are now." She kissed him and he looked at her at kissed her forehead.  "Thanks Babe"

And she started yawning "i need to rest before they wake up."

Getting up he helped her lay down and he moved to the couch to make himself comfortable. Hardly had he slept than he heard the cries, he smiled and jumped up rushing to them "Mumma has just slept off, he tried to make them be silent but in vain with no other option he woke her up and she fed them. He was staring at her with too much respect and love.

As time went on the family was stronger than before and he couldn't be happier than he was now. He made sure to work hard to meet all their needs and give too much time to his young family,  but he had promised himself to make it up to her who grew up with no father and sorry situation.

Months later, a notification came through her whatsapp from an old friend from school, Aliya, informing her about Tanu's situation.  She had been in rehabilitation for 2 weeks over substance abuse because of depression.  And since she needed help her father took her for help. She felt really bad and was blaming herself. In the evening she talked about it with Abhi and they hoped she would get better.

In time they got to learn that her uncle that paid her school fees had died, they made arrangements to go and send him off. Getting back to the city they did what they had to do, after visited a few friends,  relationship from both side bringing the little ones along with them.

They met with Aliya who gave them full update about Tanu, even though Pragya wanted to visit Abhi stopped her because he knew she was capable of anything. She listened to him and obeyed though Abhi went and checked on her. She was recovering thou she had a long way to go.

Pragya ' ma had a great time with her grandchildren, proud of her daughter who was now responsible and grown up. She still loved her son in law like before, she cooked for them various foods and pampered the babies. Junior still remembered them all so helped the younger ones get to settle in with the rest. Pragya ' lil brother was more excited as his big sis present. She tried to spoil him but not more than Abhi did.
After a month of stay they went back as Abhi had to continue with his job.

Pragya on insistence also found a job as the children were older, she needed to keep busy. They lived a happy life together watching their children grow.

I hope you enjoy the story. If it's boring bare we it it.
Otherwise keep keeping on.

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