Part 4

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By the time i graduated, Abhi Junior was almost making a year. God had blessed me with the most lovely son in the world. He looked so much like his father and sometimes he really made me dive deep into thoughts of him. I wondered on how he was doing, where we was, his life and I would cringe.

Was he already married, did he have kids like my Junior. Tanu had warned me not to name Junior after his father but its what my heart wanted and it brought peace to my heart. It seemed hard at first but as time went by it gave me anew kind of strength to move on and delete Abhi from my life.

My uncle, on the other side was so much disappointed in me but he still believed in. I failed to get a first class but i managed a second class upper. But what surprised me much were the grades of Tanu, she came out with the among the top students. Perhaps because most of the lecturers were her friends, as much as i remember Tanu had an * i dont care*  attitude after all her parents had it all girl.

University was over and the job hunting begun as soon as possible. Tanu had no reasons to worry since her father, who worked with a big financial institutions connected her immediately.

I spent six month without a job and did several interviews in all the different financial institutions i could think of and i choose to try any other opportunities that came my way but i had no connections.

Home was not getting any better, ma's income was still same but now with more mouths to feed. During that course of struggle, i was called for an interview in one of the banks in town where i had applied earlier and I went for the interview.

I found a very short and stout man with a mouth ache, his stomach was almost protruding i was on tenter hooks that anytime it would give way and burst and all his intestines would fall onto my face. i laughed at myself with my weird my imaginations.

"Yes young lady, talk about yourself."

i talked about myself as fast as i could and then waited for the next question. The man kept staring at me and he then came and sat on top of the table just in front of me.

"I could simplify things for you, young lady if at all you just do something small for me..."

I begun shivering a little, i was scared stiff. He rested his left arm on my shoulder.

"I see your scared, but your a grown up girl and we could do a something for sometime and just tomorrow, you start earning large sums of money here."
I remained tongue tied, he touched my neck and gave it a slight caress that disorganised my sexual urge but i got away with it there and then.

"You could just have it one moment with me, one single moment like this."

Both his arms where on my shoulders now, massaging them he had a thirst to have me and at this very moment. Gaining courage and pushed him off.

"I wont be able to manage that sir, so if you may excuse me, ill be on my way."

I cat walked out of his office, and matched back home. Just a look at my face Ma knew this too was a disappointment when she looked at me.

"Dont worry Pragya, God will always make away. Lets patiently wait on him to do his will."
Maybe i could wait but for how long? What had i done wrong that God had decided to punish me like this. I cried in front of my Junior, who couldn't even understand a thing. Maybe i had done wrong to keep the baby, life had become too hard for me, so sucking and disappointing.
As the year was coming to an end, uncle came over at home.

"Can you teach?' he asked me.

what?? I had never imagined my self being a teacher. Never had i even ever thought of being one. I hated that profession with a passion. Not with the way we used to treat them, i dreaded it much.

"Pragya, can you teach?' ma was stealing glances at me as if telling me to say yes.

" I can try."

"What happened to your phone? It has been off since yesterday."

Truth I had turned off my phone just because i was fed up of everything around me, and even the endless unimportant calls and texts that are just full of disappointment.

"Your Economics lecturer called me yesterday evening, there's an urgent need for a tutor." He explained that he tried to reach you but all in vain. He checked on one of your documents, and found me as your next of kin. They want you back at the university."

My heart thumped a little, and then i slightly smiled "my Economics teacher, Mrs Vin Khanna Aliya, it was the best lecturer of my life time. I was always on the lead in all her course units and she was always referring my fellow students to me for more explanations. I loved Economics and the way she taught it. She made her lectures exciting that you would forward to the next.

This was such a beautiful opportunity i had been handed. With no hesitate i said yes and the next day i went to the university to speak to her.

"We badly need you Pragya. I know maybe teaching isn't your thing, but as you look for a job you may help out and earn something. You will have a house, and a beautiful salary" folding her hand she added "please do it for me."

My life changed slowly and as a tutor at the university. I managed to buy a house where we lived with ma and my little brother. Even if it was just a bungalow of four rooms, it would be great.

Being a young girl around people of all ages, i continued facing hard time of receiving sexual advances from both my fellow workmates and my students but i was focused on where i was heading too.

Getting a man now was the least my mind. I remained strong and hoped that maybe one day onetime, Abhi would be back. I worked at the University for two years, and got a job in the ministry of finance. I was now settled, ma was happier i did all i could to cover up for the past.

Junior had begun going to school and I loved taking him to the park on most weekends, together with my lil ' bro with whom they played with as if they were just age mates.

One day Junior came to me and held my hand, I could see that he had something burning on the inside.

"Ma, where is papa?"

This was a question i wasn't at all ready for, it came and knocked me down like a sudden earth quake. I held his little face between my palms and looked straight in his eyes.

"Papa went to study, when he completes his studies he will be back."

The next weekend, Tanu came to visit. we had not seen each other in quite a long time.

"I'm going for my masters" she told me.


"I got a scholarship with common wealth...and I'll be joining University of Queensland."

"In Brisbane?"


Enough for the day.
Take care.

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