Part 7 (final)

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Sorry guys for keeping you waiting,  it wasn't intended.
We move right to the next and final part.

Nice reading.

"Mumma, now that papa is back, are u still going to get married to another papa?"

Junior asked and he eagerly waited for my answer but i just kept on staring at him blankly..

"Mumma, you know we have always waited for papa.."at this time he was on the verge of crying.

I looked straight into Juniorz eyes and wished we could really get married. I was a suprised that i still held him very close to my heart, i still loved him deeply. I longed and yearned for him but I knew he was not mine anymore,  he was married to my once - best friend.

I now was looking for to maybe think we can make it work and I was asking,

"Was Tanu to blame, but then, did he even bother to find out wether what Tanu had told him was the real truth?
How would he have been such a fool to believe someone blindly like that?
And Tanu...what the hell was she thinking to betray me to this extent! what, in the name of God hadnt i done to keep our friendship strong?  I took her as a sister more than a friend?
Maybe she had envied what i had with Abhi, but then why did she give me ago ahead?"

Too many questiones but no answers or atleast i had no one to give me the correct answers, this was hurting me so much. I wished to meet her and if did i was to jump on to her and chop her filthy body into little pieces and serve them to wild animals then maybe I would managed to calm down.

Tagging on my skirt, Junior brought me back to the present.

"Your papa is married to someone else..."

"But the last time he came here, l heard him telling you that he is going to leave her and come stay with us, papa is a good, mumma i dont want another papa."

"Yes my son your papa is a very good person. But now he has to do his part, ok?" I didn't want to speak badly about his dad, and in anyway I didn't want to hold fully accountable for the happenings though he was neither innocent. I visited ma and narrated to her the happenings in my life, she never seemed to be suprised at all.

"So what are you planning to do?"she with calmness.

"Truth ma, am still in love with Abhi, .and you know as much as he faulted am not holding it much against him. Better the devil you know than an angel you dont know."

"So are you going to be a second wife?" mama asked, avoiding to look straight at me.

"No ma, as much as i love him am not ready for that, am giving him time to sort himself with Tanu." I said. "He has to prove himself by divorcing her ma. If Abhi and I were meant to be, something will work out. On the other hand she built her relationship on lies she has been blaming him for his not being able to give birth all these lies have to be cleared now."

Ma advised me not to fight but rather to let God who had fought for me all the other days to continue with, but as you know God's things may take forever and i wanted to make my venge as soon as possible.

This had never been me but the betrayal had taken a toll on me... i met King and asked him to kindly call off the wedding. I explained my ordeal to him and he seemed to understand and the fact that Junior would have his real father in his life.

It hurt me leaving King, but i had nothing much to miss in our short lived relationship. Abhi had started spending nights at my place, i gave his space to clear his divorce alone as i had also told self i could let him touch me until he is done sorting his issues with Tanu. As much as i needed him I had to be in control.

"She refused to sign the papers" he said entering my room in the evening looking so drained from the day's work "saying its all my fault and now i want to leave her." i laughed as hard as i could.

"Doesnt she suspect your seeing someone?" i asked him

"She does, but not aware who."

"Hold on, i know Tanu's Signature, why not bring the papers to me? I'll sign them on her behalf..." and that was out of the way.

We started planning for our weddin day which would happen in a two month time. We visited ma and then Uncle. He couldnt stop praising me of how much he loved and believed in me. He believed i would never cheat on him, he usually apologised for his mistakes and for abandoning me when I needed him the most.

All this while i hadnt met Tanu until our wedding day when she showed up.

"So, all along it had been you screwing my husband?" she asked amidst all the people who had come to witness our wedding.

"Please dont say athing about screwing, i beg of you."

"You prostitute, you bitch, you whore..." she jumped on me and her aim was to tear off my gown but Abhi had hired bodyguards who carried her away.

"You may have survived me today, but both of you your life is in my hands." she shouted as they led her away. Not like it was a surpise i kinda expected it, the rest of the day's events went on  perfectly well.

But i couldnt help thinking of what Tanu's next move would be...i became a coward wrapped in great fear. I was insecure at both my work place and home and always made endless phonecalls to my husband, and at Junior's school just to be he safe.

Abhi had realised this and he decided that we go and stay in England as maybe this was a better option. Back home ma and my little brother would take care.
We travelled after two weeks, and i found England a cool place to live in without stress. I found out I was pregnant on arrival,  hadnt told Abhi yet.

I was missing home. I had a happy family, but couldnt stop thinking about home, and started sympathizing with Tanu. i had loved her and maybe she needed to be truly loved as well. I had thought she had it all but it just dawned on me, maybe i was wrong probably all the material she had was to cover up for the emptiness and loneliness.
She must have missed out on true love, thats why she struggled and ended up snatching what i thought was mine.

She had nothing left for her now, the emptiness might be worse with the fact that she can never have what I have-a child she had nothing. She had betrayed me, to the extent that i regretted having ever let her walk into my life, but now that i had what she had taken away from me, l only pitied her.
Abhi walked in on me and found me deeply engraved in much thoughts coming in he sat close to me.

"Are you fine, my love?"

Looking at him I smiled resting my head on his shoulder, he held my right hand into his left and stared straight in my eyes.

"Am thinking about my life." he squeezed my hand so hard and then carried me off into our bedroom.

Does this ending need an epilogue.

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