learning to walk

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Hey guys soooooo sorry for the very very long update I had a lot of stuff going on so I'm very sorry for taking forever hope you'll enjoy this chapter

8 and a half months passed since takashi rescued raven from the zombies and she's starting to walk "come on raven come to mama" I said while I kneeled down with my arms out while raven looked at me and she smiled "come on sweetie you can do it" I encouraged her as rei and saya sat on the sofa and shizuka sat beside me "what are you doing" kota questioned "we're trying to get raven to walk" said rei as raven looked at kota and kota crouched on his knees "come on raven come to uncle kota" he said "try putting something in front of her to make her walk" said saya "like what though" I said while I thought "what about her toy dragon" tikashi stands up and grabs hold of ravens toy dragon and puts it on the floor a few centimetres away from her "come on raven" tikashi sighed "give her a chance tikashi it'll take time" I explained as he given up trying.

It's been 2 hours so far and raven still hasn't tried to take her first steps but instead she decided to do something "what's the matter with her" said saya "I don't know" i said while i picked raven up "what's the matter my baby girl" i said as raven looked at me "m-mi-m-m" she said "come on you can do it" I encouraged as raven surprised me "milky mama" raven said as she puts her little paws on my breast "clever girl let's get you fed" I said as everyone came running into the living room "what's going on" said kota "raven said her very first word. Well two actually" said saya while I sat down on the sofa and raven started to whine and cry "alright sweetheart its coming" I cooed while I laid raven down against my arm while I lifted my tank top up and raven pushed my hand away from my breast and I felt her latching onto me until I heard purring "I know your hungry but you need to give me a chance to get comfortable" I explained as raven dug her tiny claws into me.

While raven was still sucking, i unlatched her so i could burp her but she started to cry "i know your wanting more warm milk but at least let me burp you first" I said while I put raven on my shoulder and I patted her back as she burped "there you go" I said while I put her in the same position as before and she latched on again. 15 minutes later, my breasts started to get sore and raven fell asleep but she's still latched onto me so as i went to unlatch her from my nipple, she started to wake up "shh shh shh, I know I'm sorry but mama is getting sore" I explained as raven tried to pull my tank top down so she can get to my other breast "oh sorry sweetie I thought you were full" I said while I lowered my tank top so raven can suckle my other breast "hey shizuka" I said "yeah" she said from the kitchen "can you pass me my breast pump please so I can pump milk out for raven please" I explained as shizuka came out of the kitchen with the breast pump in her hand "thanks" I said while I started pumping some breast milk "you looked knackered" said rei "i am a little but I'll be fine" I said as rei ruffled ravens ears and she yawned "she's tired" I said as raven fell asleep so I took the breast pump off of my breast and i picked raven up and put her in her crib "see you in a few hours" I said while I kissed raven on her forehead and she smiled.

10 minutes later, I walked into the living room and I saw shizuka, saya and rei tidying the floor where ravens toys were "what are you doing" I whispered "were putting ravens toys away" said saya "they're just soft one's it's not like somebody's going to trip over them" I explained "well she'll be needing some hard toys to play with" said rei "what kind" I smirked "you know. Building blocks, bath toys those kind of stuff" rei said "I'm planning to get those next month" I said while I sat on the sofa and put the tv on "but why not tomorrow she's old enough to have those" rei raised her voice "keep your fucking voice down raven is still asleep" I said through gritted teeth "sorry I'm just excited" she said "yeah well she's my baby and I can decide what toys are suitable for her at the moment" I huffed "fine suit yourself" rei smiled as she walks into the kitchen and I walked in my room and locked the door so I can get changed into my jogging bottoms and sports bra.

1 hour later, I heard crying "looks like ravens woken up" said kota as i picked raven up "hello sweetie" I cooed while I walked to the sofa and i sat down with raven laying on my arm and she yawned "has she been fed yet" shizuka questioned "not yet I'm about to though" I said while I lowered my sports bra and I latched raven onto my nipple and she began to suckle "enjoy. my baby girl" raven looked at me straight in the eyes and I looked at her "that's soooooooo adorable" kota squealed quietly as rei did the same until I heard a thud "are you ok" i asked and i noticed that rei fainted "what happened" tikashi questioned "rei fainted" I said as I looked back at raven as she tries to squeeze my breast a little to get more milk but she started to whimper "alright we'll switch" I said while I latched raven onto my other nipple and she happily suckled "that'll keep you occupied for a bit" I said as raven puts her paws on my breast and I kissed her inbetween the eyes near her forehead and she snuggled into me "she's trying to get warm" said saya as raven unlatched herself from my nipple and I picked her up and gently put her inside my cleavage and she laid her head on my chest until she got a bit hungry still so I stood up and went in the kitchen to take ravens bottle of breast milk out of the fridge and I warmed it up and I came back through into the living room, sat back down and as soon as I got comfortable, raven was very desperate for her bottle so as the teat of the bottle was near her lips, she got tucked in already "you are a hungry girl" I said as raven paws were stretched out and moving back and forth in a swimming motion.

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