How high?

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I was a nervous wreck. They really expect me to get in this thing

"See Alan this is why I said to get here really early" Austin said

"Good call bro" they laughed & looked at me

"I do not care what you guys say I am not getting in this plane."

"It's not that bad Raven & after the first time it's not even that bad anymore" This was Alan's way of begging me to get on the plane

Sighing I stared at the wings "how high does this thing go?"

Alan looked up & pointed randomly straight into the sky

"How high is that?"

"Exactly" then he grabbed me around my waist & carried me, unwillingly, into the plane


"Worth it" I kicked Alan between his legs causing him to drop me instantly

"Still worth it?" I took off towards the exit & was so close

So close I could almost taste it


But then that jerk Austin beat me to it & shut the door locking it behind him

"Raven calm down there's nothing.......... What the hell did you do to Alan?"

I turned around and saw Alan laying in the aisle, head down holding his junk.


"Hey Alan, you good?" Austin yelled across the empty plane

Alan put held up a thumbs up

"Oh ok he's good. anyways calm down Ray & go strap up and help Alan because he looks like he needs you right now"

I held my head down in defeat

I'm not getting off this plane

I helped Alan into his seat & buckled myself in

I can't believe I'm doing this

Alan finally composed himself & laid a hand on my shoulder "it's gonna be ok babe"

"Babe? well that was fast"

"Well Im not the kind that likes to take things slow" he whispered brushing his lips gently over my neck.

I moaned a little making Alan laugh

"Hey we're not having any of that on my plane alright?"

I looked down blushing a little while the guys talked & Austin buckled in

Before I knew it the plane was off the ground & I was freaking out

At some point during this ride i'd dug my nails in Alan's skin & he was bleeding a little

"Raven calm down"

"Why am I on this plane? oh my god why are we so high? do your ears hurt? my ears hurt? am I dying? i can't die up here!"

I started hyperventilating so Austin came over to help me

"Raven calm down. it's ok, your fine & your not gonna die"

I calmed down a little so Austin went back to his seat

"Hey Raven" Alan said "I know how to calm you down"

I looked at him confused "how?"

Alan placed his hand gently on my cheek "like this"

Then he kissed me again

This time it was way more passionate & caring

Forgetting all about the flight I lost myself in our kiss savoring it

Honestly, I could do this forever

Alan was a great kisser

Alan pulled away much too soon & I whimpered at the loss of his lips against mine

Alan chuckled a little "we're here"

How long was that kiss?


We arrived at the hotel & I decided to sleep in Alan's room

I stripped out of my clothes leaving on my bra and panties & searched around in my bag for my Pj's

"Woah, Ray, I did not mean to get your feminine hormones all screwed up. but if this is what you want..."

I rolled my eyes and turned towards him "I'm looking for my Pajamas idiot but I must have forgot them"

Alan handed me one of his shirt that had a huge middle finger on the front


I slipped it on and laid down in the bed with Alan right behind me

I closed my eyes about to fall asleep

I was almost completely asleep when I heard Alan say something

It was soft, almost a whisper, but I still heard it.

"I love you Ray"

& even more surprisingly I heard myself whisper back

"I love you too"

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