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It was amazing although that doesn't even come close to describing how spectacular the kiss was

His mouth tasted like mint & cinnamon even when he pulled away I could feel it still lingering on my lips

Dancing on my tongue.

"That was......" I still couldn't find the right word

"I know" Alan leaned in to kiss me again but before he could Austin walked In

"Cock block" Alan whispered under his breath

"Ashby, you've had Raven all day. I'm taking her now" he came over and pulled me out the bed

I reluctantly said bye to Alan & left with Austin even though I really wanted to stay in that bed forever & a day

Me & Austin walked out the hotel building to a small Starbucks

The entire time I had a huge smile on my face

I was ecstatic

Reality had finally just set in

Alan kissed me

He finally kissed me

I took a seat near the entrance and Austin sat in front of me

"Why are you smiling like some psycho path on bail"

"Alan...." I looked at Austin unsure about whether or not I should tell him

I don't know how he'd feel about me and his best friend liking each other

"What did he do?"

"He umm" I was still thinking about it when Austin suddenly jumped up out his chair

"What did he say to you?" Austin looked mad.

"Calm down Austy he didnt do anything bad. he actually did something good"

"Oh" he pulled his chair back up towards the table. "Well what did he do & you know you can't lie to me so don't even try"

"I know" I sighed "he kissed me"

Austin sighed & leaned back in the chair "well it's about time. I was wondering when he'd grow some balls & just do it"

We both laughed & ordered a French vanilla cappuccino

"I sorta thought you'd be mad, I didn't know how you'd feel about your best friend liking your band mate"

I stirred my drink around & took a bunch of sips, cherishing the flavor while it was still steamy hot

"It's perfectly gone with me as long as you guys don't pull me into all your problems. And by the way we're leaving tommorow for London"

I nearly choked on my drink.

"Yep I told you I'd keep my promise." Austin smiled and so did I remembering that day

We were in 5th grade & Austin & I were walking to my house & he was going on & on about random things

"You know one day I'll take you to London, like you always wanted" he seemed completely sure of this when he said it

"Really? you promise? because the UK is no laughing matter. "

"Of course" he said resting his arm over my shoulder "I don't know when or even how, but I know that I'll get you there somehow"

I can't believe he's actually gonna do it.

When I was younger I didn't think we'd actually go but he's actually going to take me

There's only one problem that I need to figure out

How the hell am I going to get in an airplane?

Glass Hearts (Alan Ashby Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon