Poland X Reader: Jealous

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Her boyfriend always looked like he was too good for her.

He knew everything about makeup, while she hadn't the faintest clue what Sephora was. He knew all the designer brands for clothing and bags and shoes while all she knew was clothes were good if they fit her and looked decent on her. He knew how to style hair into up-do's and how to do a braid, while she'd just leave it at a messy bun. 

She wouldn't say that she was jealous. It was more that she wanted to know all of the information that Feliks had about beauty. There was a part of her that wanted to be able to look as beautiful as the women in the magazines, who had bodies that were so photoshopped that they didn't look like themselves anymore. She had looked at these models since she was a kid and wished that she could be as beautiful as they were. And now, she looks at her boyfriend, always seeming to outshine her in beauty and in personality.

Physical beauty is what it takes to be worth it in the world anymore. It's human nature to want to be liked and to want to be noticed for who one is as a person; however, in order for people to pay attention in the first place, one has to look the part. Always seem interesting, beautiful, desirable, etc. They show it in magazines, on tv shows, and on social media. (Y/N) knew that she shouldn't care what people thought, but in this day and age, it was survival of the fittest. And that's what haunts (Y/N) in the back of her mind. Because she's not beautiful or talented enough for the people's eye, she fears that her boyfriend will be targeted with questions and hate for being with someone like her.

"Why don't you date someone prettier?"

"Did you do her makeup? She doesn't look like she could do it herself."

"He must be pitying her."

"Why can't she be like her boyfriend? She's not trendy, or pretty in the slightest. She should really put in the effort."

These comments haunt her every day. The idea to be beautiful enough to be with a human being. The idea that she might just be with him only because he pitied her. He wanted to use her as a foil character, someone with who he could be with so that his talents and beauty would be emphasized even more. She knew that it couldn't be true, as every time he was told something negative about her, he would automatically deny it. However, there was a slight idea that it might just be the reason that they are together. She was the Heathcliff to Edgar Linton.

One day, she had felt very insecure about herself.  She had taken off her shirt and stared at herself in the mirror, lost in the flaws of her body. She didn't hear the door behind her open and didn't realize there was a person watching her until she heard, "Hey, beautiful. You okay?"

She looked up from her body in the mirror and looked at the reflection of her boyfriend standing at the door with a concerned look on his face. 

Usually, she was able to fake it. She was able to block the sadness out and look at her boyfriend with a smile, trying to ignore the haunting thoughts. However, this time, it was impossible for her to. Se had spent so much time drowning in her own thoughts that she didn't have the heart to fake it. She slowly lifted up a shaky hand, covering her mouth. She then closed her eyes, as tears poured out and sobbed into her hands.

Her boyfriend, who had previously been standing at the door, rushed to her side. He put a hand on her cheek and hugged her tightly.

"Hey, beautiful what's wrong? Like, talk to me (Y/N), please. I, like, don't want to see you cry."

(Y/N) shook her head, both to deny the account and stop the tears. She then pulled her hands away from her mouth and said "How the hell can you call me that?"

"Like, call you what-"

"Beautiful, Feliks. How can you call me beautiful? Do you see that?" She points to the mirror. "That is not someone beautiful. That is someone who is ugly and untalented and not at all beautiful. That is not someone you should be spending your time on. That is someone who you should be looking down upon rather than staying with. Why the hell would you stay with something like that?"

Feliks walked close to the mirror. "Maybe you're looking at it differently then. Because, I see something, like, completely different. I see a beautiful strong girl in that mirror. You're not too fat or too skinny. You're not too tall or too short. You are not too dumb or weak or stupid. You are a human being that just happens to be, like, the most beautiful human being in existence. All the people that say bad things about you? Well, they are like, totally not worth your tears. You are beautiful. You are someone I want to be with. Sometimes I think you're too good for me because you're so perfect. So never think that way about yourself. And if it's the mirror's doing, then I'll like, break it or like, throw it out of the window or something for making you feel bad about yourself. I'm going to like, punch all of those girls in the face too."

That made (Y/n) smile a bit. She realized that she was doubting herself for no reason. Everyone has flaws. Everyone has stuff that they don't like about themselves, however, she should be confident with who she was as a person. And if she wasn't, she knew that she had a loving boyfriend that had her back. She had someone that would hold her in the dark moments and would help her with options for outfits and makeup whenever she decided to dress a little fancier than normal. He had never criticized her about her clothing style or her lack of makeup most of the time. 

He loved her because she was being herself.

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