Canada x Reader: Lock and Key (Soulmate AU)

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This was requested by FaithBlauert so go check out her stories. She does Pokemon One shots and Hetalia one shots!


When one is brought upon the world, they come with a tattoo. This tattoo will be of a lock or a key. The soulmate of the person will have the other. Once you touch your soulmate, the key will unlock the lock and both tattoos will disappear. It is both a magical moment for the two that participate.

(Y/N) had never witnessed it before, nor had she found her soulmate. She wasn't that old, but neither was she very young. Most people her age had seen someone, maybe a friend or relative, find their soulmate but she had never experienced it in person.

She woke up just like every morning and looked outside her window. She saw a layer of white covering all the way down the road. It was unexpected and she saw that the roads were not clear enough for her to drive to work, so she called in and explained her situation. Thankfully, they let her off the hook by telling her that since she hadn't missed a day of work yet, not arriving to work that day would be fine. She went to the kitchen to make some eggs and toast. As she was making them, she realized that she was seriously lacking groceries.

She quickly ate her breakfast and looked outside again. There wasn't a lot of snow, but enough for her to judge that the grocery stores would most likely be closed for the day. She was deciding on going to the grocery store tomorrow, yet for some reason, she felt like it was necessary for her to go today. No matter what she did, she couldn't shake off the feeling that she was supposed to leave her house and at least check to see if the grocery stores were open.

She finally listened to her gut feeling and put on a jacket and a hat. There was usually one grocery store near her that would stay open in most types of weather, for emergency conditions. She went outside and began to observe the area around her as she slowly walked. She had nothing else to do today, so why not admire the view?

It began to snow lightly again, and it truly seemed like a winter wonderland. There was barely anybody on the roads, but she could see people coming out of their houses to shovel. She walked by some children, building snowmen and laying down to make snow angels. It was a sort of beautiful contrast, how the innocence of the children made them think of snow as good and fun while to adults and parents, snow was another thing to make their life more difficult and add more responsibilities to their already long list of errands.

She had time to spare, so she walked into the park, continuing to admire the beauty of the season. She looked down at her wrist, as she saw the multicolored key. It was unique in that the key was red but the bow (the fatter part on top) of the key had a hole in the middle in the shape of a snowflake. She quite liked the key, as it represented her love for winter. The fact that a snowflake was on the key hadn't influenced her passion for the season but it had made her realize that her soulmate also enjoyed the winter time.

As she admired her wrist, she realized that it had begun to snow a little bit harder than it was before, but not enough for her to return to her house. What worried her was that she was beginning to lose feeling in her hands. She hadn't brought a scarf or gloves with her, so she shoved her hands into her pockets and put up her hood to try and warm those parts of her skin. Although her ears and neck began to warm up, her hands were still freezing cold. She took them out of her pockets and rubbed them together as she walked out of the park.

She makes her way over to the grocery store and realized that, as she had predicted previously, the grocery store was closed. There was no point in trying to go to the other ones because this grocery store is more likely to be open than the others.

She began her trek back home, cursing at herself as to why she hadn't brought her gloves. While she was looking down at her hands, she was unaware of the looks of a certain Canadian male that had taken an interest in her shivering state.

"Miss, excuse me!" (Y/N) turned around to see a man with blond hair and violet eyes behind a pair of glasses. He wore a red jacket with a red hat that said "Canada" on it and a red buffalo-checkered scarf.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but you seemed really cold. Did you forget to bring a pair of gloves with you?" (Y/N)'s mouth had been covered by her jacket, which was zippered all the way up, so she unzippered it just enough for her to be able to speak clearly.

"Yeah, I forgot to wear them when I left my house earlier. Thank you for asking, but you don't need to worry about it." She said as she turned around and began walking once again.

"W-Wait a minute." (Y/N) stopped and turned around once again to face the unnamed stranger.

"Look, I can't have a really pretty girl like you freeze your hands off in the cold. I mean yes, the weather is beautiful and the snow makes everything look great, but that doesn't mean winter isn't deadly. I mean, look at your hands. They are really red!" The man said, in an angrier, but obviously more concerned whisper than he had before. He began to take off his gloves. Before (Y/N) could object to the action, he gently grabbed her hand.

Suddenly, there was a bright glow from her arm. She pulled back her jacket to see that it was her tattoo, which meant that the man in front of her was her soulmate. She looked up at the man, who was now looking at his own wrist. His lock was in the shape of a red snowflake.

She watched as the ink on her wrist traveled up her hand, and onto her soulmate's hand. Both of them hadn't let go of each other, as they watched the key travel to the lock. It went inside and unlocked it, both disappearing without a trace.

The two of them looked up at each other in wonder, as they tried to think of something to say to each other. The man then pulled back and raised up the hand that wore no glove.

"H-Hello. My name is Matthew Williams and I'm very happy to meet you, soulmate." (Y/N) stared at him and then his hand. A smile grew on her face as she took his hand.

"Well, hello Matthew. I'm (Full Name) and it's very nice to meet you too." They smiled at each other shaking hands. Matthew then paused and let go of her hand. He furrowed his eyebrows and placed his hands on his waist.

"This gives me a better reason to be concerned about your numb hand, now!" He said as he put one glove on her hand.

"Yeah, but now both of our hands are going to be cold! I'd rather you take both!" She began to take off the glove, when Matthew grabs her bare hand with his, creating a transfer of heat through their skin, and begins walking with no specific location in mind.

"Well, I guess we're going to have to keep each other warm then." 

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