Manor Park

731 28 17

Schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning
Waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile
I watch her go with a surge of that well-known sadness
And I have to sit down for a while

- Slipping Through my Fingers - ABBA

Chapter Four
Manor Park

'Breakfast is ready,' Draco shouted. A chorus of groans floated down the stairs.

Nova tugged on the sleeve of his healer robes. She was still in her pajamas, a silk headscarf covering her curls.

'Daddy, where's my t-shirt?'

'I was just ironing it,' he assured her. 'Get your breakfast while I finish up.'

Nova flashed him a gappy-toothed smile and slid onto her chair at the table. Hermione hurried into the kitchen, purple robes billowing and a slice of toast in her hand.

'Thanks, love,' she paused to kiss Draco. He smiled charmingly at her, deftly ironing Nova's favourite top.

'Have a nice day,' Hermione said, kissing Nova's forehead. 'I've put your lunch in your bag.'

'Bye mummy, have a nice work!'

'Bye guys!' Hermione called up the stairs. 'Have a good day!'

'Bye mum,' Scorpius shouted 'See you later.'

'See ya,' Rose yelled, ducking around Scorpius. She slammed the bathroom door shut, cackling.

'Ugh, Rose!' Scorpius hammered on the door. 'Hurry up!'

Hugo trudged down the stairs, yawning. His pajamas were rumpled, and his curls were flattened on one side from sleeping. He sat down and Nova pushed his plate over to him. He nodded blearily at her. She laughed and cleared her plate away, stacking it carefully into the dishwasher.

'Here ya go,' Draco said, holding out her t-shirt.


Nova skipped out of the kitchen, the top slung over her shoulder. She passed Rose on the stairs, who tweaked Nova's nose. Nova swatted her hand away and ran under her arm.


The older children lined up in front of the fireplace, bags in hand. The flames were heatless, as the summer day was too warm for a real fire. Hugo's t-shirt was creased, and his tracksuit trousers were flecked with mud. Scorpius rolled his eyes, his own clothes crisply clean.

Nova was stood by Draco, fidgeting as he pulled her hair back into a ponytail. She winced as his long fingers caught on a tangled curl. He straightened her clothes, the blue top bright against her golden-brown skin.

'Rose, do you have your quidditch robes?' Draco asked, passing Nova her bag. 'You've got practice this afternoon.'

'Oh, snap!'

Rose dropped her bag on Hugo's foot and ran out of the room. Draco rolled his eyes, and turned to Hugo.

'Make sure you bring your rugby bag home tonight, ok? It's been there since school finished, it'll probably stink by now!'

'What about me, daddy?' Nova asked. 'Do I need to do anything?'

'Just be a good girl,' he smiled. 'And no fighting today!'

'But I gots to fight the bad guys! I'm a superhero!'

'Superheroes don't hurt their friends and get put into time-out,' he reminded her. 'Superheroes remember it's just a game and they're only pretend fighting.'

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