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Like a small boat
On the ocean
Sending big waves
Into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion

- Fight Song - Rachel Platten

Chapter Six

The next night, Draco was called in to St Mungo's. Hermione was left to maintain peace at home.

There was a lull in the madness after dinner. Scorpius curled up with a book. Rose lay across the sofa, her feet propped up on Scorpius. Hugo sprawled on the floor, playing on his Gameboy. Nova was rapidly getting tired of being ignored.

'Ouch, Nova quit it!'

'Nova,' Hermione said, looking up from a stack of reports. 'Stop hitting Scorpius with that stick.'

'It's not a stick mummy, it's my wand! See, this bit is the wand, and this is my magic spells!'

'Ok, but stop hitting your brother with the magic.'

'But I'm you, mummy!'

'That's sweet, dear,' Hermione smiled distractedly, pulling another file towards her.

'And Scorpy is a filthy defeater.'

Hugo looked up from his Gameboy. Rose buried her nose into a cushion. Nova continued dancing around the living room, waving the stick in the air. Scorpius' ears turned pink.

'A what...?'

'A filthy defeater.' Nova explained slowly. 'A bad guy. Like Daddy was!'

Hermione put down her quill and took a deep breath.

'Nova, honey, where did you hear that?'

'Some...some big boys at school said it.'

Hermione looked at her older children, who all had guilty expressions.

'Don't worry mum,' Rose said, smiling brightly. 'We dealt with them.'

'Please tell me you dealt with them by telling an adult...'

'Yeah,' Rose assured her. 'Of course we did!'

'After,' Hugo muttered, darkly.

'Shut up.' Rose hissed.

'It's fine, really Mum,' Scorpius said, flashing Hermione a disarming smile.

'Don't try that look with me, kiddo,' she sighed. 'I'm immune to it after being married to your father all these years.'


The next morning, Hermione stepped out of the fireplace into the Manor. Nova was clinging to her hand, looking worried. She was convinced that her mum was going to be in trouble for being late for work.

'Oh, Mrs Granger-Malfoy!' Miss Popplewell said. 'Hello! Is everything ok?'

'Yes, thanks Sarah. Is Audrey available?'

'Mum!' Nova whispered, scandalised. 'You have to call her Mrs Weasley when we're at school. Even at Summer Camp!'

'She's in her office,' Miss Popplewell replied, grinning.

Hermione thanked her, and walked Nova out to the playground. Her older children had scurried away as soon as they arrived. She could see them whispering with Albus.

'Bye sweetie,' Hermione said, giving Nova a hug and a kiss.

'Are you sure Mr Shacklebolt won't get mad?' Nova asked, her arms wrapped tightly around her mother.

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