Carpe Diem: "Entrance-Exit"

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People will come and go in our lives,

Some to teach us,

Some to mold us,

Some to influence us,

Some to make us happy,

Some to make us sad,

Some to put a smile on our face,

Some to put a tear in our eyes,

Some to inspire us,

Some to disheartened us,

Some will just pass by,

Some will stay for a while,

Some will stay for a lifetime,

Some will stay forever,

Some will stay beyond forever.

Be it a friend, a family, a lover, a colleague,

Whatever it is, the role they had played,

Maybe for a while,

Maybe for a longer time,

Maybe forever,

What matters is that each person teach us a lesson,

Leave us a memory,

Whether good or bad,

Maybe Happy or sad,

But whatever it is that they have done to us,

Added to what we are now,

Define the inner person we are inside,

Molded the personality,

the characteristics we have.

I hope everyone can stay beyond forever,

But there's no way we can make it possible,

Nothing is permanent in this world but changes.

And somehow that change may hurt us,

may leave us behind,

or perhaps we will be the ones who will go ahead of them.

So as much as we could,

Thank the person we had, we have and will be having,

show them how much we appreciate them,

how much we love them,

before they go,

before we leave,

before we finally lost them and cannot go back.

So to those who had been, still and will be a part of my life,

Thank you for coming,

And even if you go,

I won't let my memory passed you by,

I will keep your memory in my heart and mind.

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