Elegy: "Now where are you?"

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Its been so long, far beneath this river,

I know it for sure 'cause whenever you smile,

I see it all comes from the heart,

This feeling I feel,

I don't know if its real.

I don't want to let you go,

I don't want to feel this sorrow,

We never expected this to happen,

So early, why now?

You've shared smiles to everyone,

Even if you yourself didn't have a real one,

We were foolish to think,

that maybe we can see you in disguise.

I can't take it that you're gone,

Now you no longer on our sight,

Now we know it's all that,

We kept asking Him,

Why it have to be you?

When you didn't do anything wrong?

Now, I might understand,

That our loss of you might be a way,

To accept the reality of goodbye,

To take responsibility of our lives.

We will miss you, that's for sure,

Your good deeds, your smiling face,

That cute dimples that never fades,

Your memories in our hearts will remain.

We love you, we do,

We will miss you, we promise.

- Rico Yan, 2002

Free verse: "Constellation"Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα