Chapter One: Terrible Things

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Writing style is going to be the same as in the first book. Hope you enjoy.

So long and goodnight....



Terrible Things For A 'Normal' Person

* Cancer


*Death Of A Love One

Terrible Things For a Depressed Person





 Right now Olivia was dealing with everything on that list.  Being checked into a Mental Ward is embarrassing it self, but when you are wheeling in from trying to kill yourself. It's the most scandals thing in the world. Second most embarrassing thing is the doctors calling your parents to tell them you tried to kill yourself. Third most embarrassing thing is explaining why you tried to kill yourself.

"Miss. Olivia?"


"Your parents are here."

"Bring them in."

   Oliva herad the footsteps coming towards her room but she didn't move away from the window.

"Olivia honey?"



"If you haven't noticed yet mom,I've been depressed for over a year. I've starved myself, marked my own skin with a box cutter, and this is my second time trying to commit suicide."



"No, I wan-"

"This isn't about you. Leave."

"I'll just leave your things here."

 Olivia's  mom slowly left the room. Leaving Olivia in her state of hatred and depression.

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