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She cried out as her hand reached out

But that did not prevent prevent her from leaving

Across the whole wide Pacific sea

Through deserts and lakes and rain forests

The distance that seperated them was too far.

Across the widest sea

Under mountains and valleys and caves

Too far to reach, too far to see

Too far to hear, too far to touch

Too far for me

The distance that seperates them.

Years pass and weeks grow old

Yet missing each other, the ending still untold

Desperate, they try to call

Suffering so much that pain isn't the right word

They try to move on and live and forget

But the pain is too deep.

The distance that seperates them was too far.

Across the widest sea

Under mountain and valleys and caves

Too far to reach, too far to see

Too far to hear, too far to touch

Too far for me.

The distance that seperates them.

Traveling over and under and through

Hoping that one day they'll come across that special you

Calling and calling and never ever stopping

As determined as they are, the two

One day they'll reach each other

One day they'll succeed

But right now

The distance that seperates them is too far.


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