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'i am not needy,' louis told himself over and over again as he walked to the dining hall, alone.

liam obviously was too wrapped up in his stupid video game to come, and the fact he hated louis too.

and zayn was nowhere to be found during the past four days.

it was a relatively decent sized school, he was probably busy with his sculptures.

placing chicken tenders and a water bottle onto his tray, louis proceeded to the check out line, and of fucking course he bumps into someone.

"oh shit," he mutters under his breath as the tray rather loudly falls to the floor.

"oh god i'm so uh sorry i uh didn't see you there," the boy quickly bending down to the floor to help pick up the food.

"it's fine really."

"uh let me pay for it, least i can do."

"no its okay rea-"

"please," the boy places an arm on louis shoulder, "if you don't let me, i'll feel horrible for the rest of the day."

"oh um okay....?"

"great!" he beams, eyes lighting up, making him even more attractive than he already is,"my name's um harry by the way."

"oh uh, im louis."

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