A Demonic Disaster

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Annabel lay on her bed staring at the ceiling, all the other girls had gone to sleep and she was left in the quiet and the dark. As she had for the past few days she found herself thinking about how Flynn had instantly moved away from her when he had seen the blonde boy, she kept trying to forget but seemed to worry at it like a dog with an old bone. Was he afraid to be seen with her? Annabel hated herself for sitting and running through thoughts like this about the annoying boy who had entered her life. The other girls spent their time debating who was better looking or how to catch the boy’s attention but Annabel didn’t want to join in. Despite the fact she got up half an hour earlier every morning to make sure she looked her best, not that she wanted the boys to give her extra attention, she was allowed to look good right? Sighing she rolled over onto her side and tried to sleep, no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t get rid of the image of Flynn’s impassive face. Growling to herself she got up and pulled on a soft robe and belted it with one harsh pull, she left the room quietly and drifted for a time through the school. It was a magnificent building; built into the side of a small mountain it had high ceilings full of arches and ornament. Annabel headed out onto one of the wide balconies that hung off the side of the mountain to reveal the lights of a small village at the base of the mountain. She stood there shivering in the cold air, pulling the robe tighter around herself as her hair blew out behind her. She didn’t know how long she stood there for but her musings were interrupted by a scene below her on a lower balcony. To her surprise the blonde boy came striding out holding Flynn firmly by the arm, pushing Flynn ahead of him. Flynn turned and shouted something at him and the boy sneered before replying, Annabel realised that the blonde boy had Flynn’s staff. Curious and slightly worried Annabel muttered a spell to improve her hearing, it wasn’t perfect as whenever the wind blew it cut their words off but she could hear, at least in part, what they were saying.

                “I don’t care Flynn. That is not why we’re here and you know it.” Flynn stood with his fists clenched and teeth gritted.

                “We can’t leave them in complete ignorance. How does that help us?” he snapped and the blonde stared back at the school.

                “If they have forgotten that which they once knew then that is their own fault. That does not make it our duty to remedy the scenario.” The blonde replied calmly, but as if the words tasted bad.

                “If not us then who?” Flynn shot right back, the wind rose then and Annabel lost track of what was going on. Though she saw that the blonde said something and Flynn looked shocked, the blonde then stepped forward and grabbed Flynn’s shirt violently. After a moment he stepped back smoothed his own robes.

                “Besides, Flynn,” Annabel heard as the wind died. “It’s probably for the best, they’ll forget about us soon enough. However I see that you won’t be able to work efficiently until we try so very well. I will ask him on your behalf, on one condition.” Flynn glared as he straightened himself.

                “What?” he asked sharply.

                “You help us. No more reservations or silly ideas about morals. You help us with everything you’ve got. No matter who it hurts.” When he finished the blonde extended out Flynn’s staff towards him, Flynn looked as if he’d just been forced to eat rotten fruit; he looked out over the balcony for a moment before snatching the staff back.

                “Good. Now no more stupid complaints, I’m busy enough as it is. You knew what you were signing up for when you decided to come Flynn, now it's time to step up.” the wind again grew and Annabel missed what was said after that as the boys headed inside, she was left standing alone on the balcony, shivering from more than the wind.

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