Chapter 7 - Home Sweet Home

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The next day I woke up really early to drive back to Oklahoma City. I got dressed into a blue floral tank top, light wash jeans, my black converse and my jean jacket. I put on some very light makeup and straightened my hair. Once I was ready I went downstairs to have a bowl of cereal and to write a note reminding everyone where I will be all day. Then I got in my car and drove the two hour drive to Oklahoma City.

When I got to Mickey and Donna's house it was ten am. I walk up to the door and knocked. Mickey answered the door.

"Good morning Mickey" I greeted

"Good morning Minnie, are you ready to get started?" He asked getting straight to the point. I simply nodded and we met up with Donna who greeted me with a hug. Then we started pulling out tables to hold things that we were selling and Donna put up yard sale signs a couple of days ago so people were arriving just as we finished setting up.

"So Minnie, How's Tulsa?" Asked Donna.

"Tulsa is good. I am getting close with my little cousin Kelly, Keith and I are picking up right where we left off, I met Keith's friends, and I got a job" I explain.

"Oh good, so no hard feelings?" Asked Mickey.

"Not really no" I respond relief filling my features as I thought about how close I still am with my cousin even after all this time.

"So does Keith have any cute friends?" Asked Donna while she wiggled her eyebrows.

I laughed "yes but they are too young for you" I joked.

"Not for me you nut, for you" she laughed.

"Well..." I said stretching out the word while Mickey and Donna watched me with expectation. "There is the one guy, he is hot and super sweet. He loves cars and cares very much for his brothers and friends." I gushed.

"What's his name?" Asked Donna

"Sodapop Curtis" I respond

"That's an interesting name" said Mickey.

"Well his dad was an interesting guy" I said. So yes I have a crush on Soda, but I know he will never feel the same and even by some weird chance that he does I don't think I would be able to be normal, I am too damaged.

"Ooh" Mickey and Donna said.

"No ooh" I laughed

"Whatever, are you racing today?" Asked MIckey

"Would you mind if I did?" I asked. I really wanted to race considering my cousin won't let me in Tulsa till I heal.

"Not at all we got this covered, go" Mickey dismissed me waving his hand in a 'shooing' motion. I laughed and ran to my car waving at Donna and Mickey as they wished me good luck.

I rushed to the race track and to the sign up table. I didn't have to fill too much out since they knew me. I got there just in time though I signed in and got in my car and lined up. Right before the race started I took a look at the other cars and noticed Lamey Lou was here racing as well as the Psycho Brothers Nick, Mike, and Luke. The brothers are my best friends which means I have a lot to explain once this race was over.


As the race was coming to a close I sped over the finish line and came in first. As each car crossed the finish line they came to as top on the edge of the track. As I waited for the boys to notice me I sat on the hood of my car and received my winners check for $50.

"Why hello there D'Amico" Greeted Lewis as he walked over to my car.

"Hello Lou" I smiled at my good friend.

"What happened to no racing?"

"Oh that only applies when I'm with my cousin" I laugh

"Oh gottcha. So hows the leg?"

"Oh my leg is good truthfully I was more worried about my stomach but it's all good" I respond as i lift my shirt to show the stitches that run along the bottom of my stomach.

"Oh my god. That happened when you were jumped?"

"Lou I wasn't jumped don't you get it I am lying to my cousin about what really happened" I sigh.


"My dad"

"Oh" Lewis doesn't know the full extent of my father's abuse but he knows enough.

"Minnie?" Called Nick as he and his brothers walked over to me.

"Hey guys" I said as I gave each one a hug.

"Where the hell have you been?" asked Mike

"It's a long story"

"We have time" said Luke as he looked at me expectantly.

"Well... My dad found out I was pregnant and tried to kill me and ended up only killing the baby. I woke up a week later in the hospital to find out that my father was arrested on multiple accounts. Then I also found out that not only the baby was killed but they had to remove my uterus due to an infection in the existing scarring from my many rape accounts. After I was discharged from the hospital I went back to my house where I went through everything. I threw some stuff out, put some in storage and the rest is to be sold in yard sales every Saturday at Mickey and Donna's. Then I sold the house. As for me I am currently staying with my Aunt and cousins in Tulsa." I explain in a rushed jumble as I am already tired of this story.

"Damn" said nick as all four boys stared at me in shock.

"So your aunt and cousins know what happened?" Asked Mike.

"No, they think I was jumped"I sighed.

"Why don't you tell them the truth?" Asked Luke.

"It's just too difficult and besides I will be out of their hair in two months" I explain.

"Why is that?" Asked Lewis.

"I told them that my parents were on a business trip and that they will be back on my eighteenth birthday when in reality I will moving back to Oklahoma City where I will get an apartment and live on my own" I said waving it off as if it was no big deal.

"Wait a minute you are in Tulsa?" Asked Nick.

"Yeah why?" I asked confused o why all of a sudden nick looks scared.

"Tim Shepard moved to Tulsa shortly after you got pregnant" explained Nick fear lacing his voice.

"So? He doesn't know i was pregnant and besides I haven't seen him yet" I said shrugging it off.

"What if your father told him?" Asked Luke concern spreading through his features.

"That means once he finds out you are in Tulsa you become a target" said Mike as his face morphed into one of great fear and concern.

Fear spread through me like wild fire. Tim will never believe me that the baby is dead he will kill me to make sure. Should I find a new place to stay for the next two months? All I know is Keith can not find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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