Chapter 1 - Change

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Where am I?

I wonder when I wake up and all I see is white. As my eyes start to adjust so do my other senses. I fully wake up to a completely white room with the smell of over sterilization and an annoying constant beeping.

Oh no I am in the hospital. Again...

I know the feeling of being in this room too familiarly. Almost like I live here. The only problem is I don't know how or why I am here. I try to rack my brain for an answer when I get a shooting pain from my stomach and I almost Instantly remember what happened.


"Where the hell have you been?" My father screamed as I walk into the house an hour later than I usually do.

"I told you I had a group project to finish" I said tired from my long day in high school.

"WE HAD A CLIENT!" He screams again. Mad that I missed one of my what I call 'rape appointments". Ever since my mom passed away when I was nine my dad believed we were short on money, even though he owned one of the biggest companies in Oklahoma City. To fix our 'money problem' he decided to sell me as a sex toy.

"Well I never agreed to be sold father" I said as I tried to walk away. Suddenly an empty beer bottle was thrown and it hit the wall right next to me allowing shards of glass to enter the right side of my face. This was nothing New to me even when my mother was alive my parents have always been abusive alcoholics.

The next hour or so was a blur of yelling, curing, and beatings. Unfortunately I accidentally let it slip that one of his 'clients' got me pregnant.

"Slut" was the last thing he said to me as he slipped his switch blade right into my stomach slightly tot he right of my belly button. Right before I blacked out I saw my dimly lit house light up with interchanging flashing red and blue lights.

**End of flashback**

When I came back to reality I saw my doctor, Dr. Hopkins, checking my vitals.

"What's the damage?" I asked with a sickening calm voice considering what I just woken up from.

"You have been out for two weeks, you lost the baby, you damaged your uterus to the point where we had to remove it, you have eight stitches in your right leg and you have a minor concussion" Dr. Hopkins responded "Why didn't you tell me about your father?"

"I don't know. This is what I lived with for as long as I can remember I don't know any different" I say as I let my head drop for letting it get this far. "Where is he now?"

"He was arrested for attempted murder and child abuse" Dr. Hopkins responded I sighed in relief. "You need to contact family you can live with." I just nodded and he left the room.

I grabbed the phone from next to me and dialed the only biological family I knew and could only hope they didn't hate me.

**Phone call with Aunt Karen**


"Aunt Karen?"

"Who is this?"

"It's Minnie"

"Oh hello Minnie. How can I help you?"

"I know we haven't talked in a long time but I just woke up from a slight coma to realize that my parents when on a business trip and didn't make plans on where I could stay till they got home."

"Minnie what do you need?" She asked getting slightly annoyed

"Can I stay with you for two months till my parents come home from their business trip?" I heard a sigh from the other end and could only hope my aunt didn't throw me on the street.

"Of course you can Minnie"

"Are you serious?"

"Just because you and your parents cut yourselves out of my life doesn't mean I cut myself out of yours"

"Thank you Aunt Karen"

"I will see you tomorrow?" I agreed and we said our goodbye's before hanging up.

**End phone call with Aunt Karen**

I know that I can't ask my aunt to live with her for the rest of my life so I am going to live with her till I can legally live on my own. I turn eighteen in two months so I just have to hide my past until then.

After a couple more tests Dr. Hopkins released me from the hospital. Just so I can start my twenty four hour time period before I have to be in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Author's Note: Well this is the first chapter to my new story. What did you guys think?

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