Chapter 5 - Is This Real Life?

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It was the last lap of the race, Sodapop and Steve were in first and as usual Lewis was in third. Lewis has the skill to win, but he doesn't like attention so he stayed just under the radar in third place. As Sodapop and Steve crossed the finish line our erupted in cheers. We race onto the track t congratulate them. But the boys were faster and tackle the two winners in hugs and cheers while I walked over to Lewis  who was talking to his manager and brother, Mark.

"Hey Lamey Lou" I greeted as I walked up.

"Hey Deranged D'amico" Lewis responded and we both laughed along with Mark.

"Still love coming in third?"

"Absolutely. So since you are here are you going to race next week?"

"No she won't" we hear a voice coming from next to us. I turn to see it was Keith with all of his friends.

"Excuse me?" I ask shocked my cousin had the nerve to answer on my behalf.

"You just got out of the hospital you are not racing" Keith responded. He does have a point but I still don't lie that he answered for me.

"Hospital? What happened? Did Turner flip you again?" Lewis asked freaking out. When it comes to my friends they are always worried about me.

"WHAT?!?!?!?!" Before I could answer Lewis Keith freaked out, but before he could freak out more I started talking.

"Yes Lewis I was in the hospital but not because of Turner. I was jumped the guy had a blade, so I have a bunch of stitches so I won't be racing till I have healed. Two-bit yes Turner has flipped me once or twice but I am fine when I ended up in the hospital it was just for twenty four hours of observation that's it. Now I will pull myself out of races that Turner is involved in Okay?" I looked in between both boys and they just nodded.

"Well Minnie we are all heading back to my house would you like to join us?" asked Darrel saving me from more questions from Keith. I looked toward my cousin and he gave me a slight nod and a smile giving me the ok to join him and his friends, I didn't want to over step.

"I would love to" I responded with a big smile as the boys cheered.

"Bye Lou" I call as myself and the gang started walking away.

"See you around D'amico" Lewis called after me.

I walked over to my car and could tell all of the boys had cars around me except Steve and Sodapop are driving their race car. The boys left first and I got into my car and followed them.

When we pulled in front of a single story white house everyone got out of their cars so I followed suite.

"This is your car?" asked Steve as he stared wide eyed ad opened mouthed at my car. I nodded and Sodapop joined him in staring at my car.

"I have never seen a car like this before" Said Darrel as he joined us.

"Oh I know. I took the front end of one car and the back end of another and welded them together. The engine is completely custom by myself and the paint job is also done by yours truly" I respond as I pop the hood so the boys could see the engine and at this point every boy was staring wide eyed and open mouthed. "Close your mouths boys, you'll catch flies" I laugh as I push Sodapop's mouth closed just for it to fall open again.

"You built this all by yourself?" asked Keith. I just smiled and nodded.

"And it runs well Princess?" Asked Dallas.

"First don't call me Princess" I all but growled and since I was mad at the name he decided to call me I decided to show off a little. "Well considering it's the third car I have built from scratch and people would pay me back in Oklahoma City to fix their cars yea I would say I have a knack for cars." That shut him up for a hot minute before he smirked and said.

"Well Princess I can't wait for you to get better so that I can see you race" he put major emphasis on the word Princess

"What did I say about calling me Princess?"

"I never agreed to that Princess" once again emphasizing the word Princess. I was starting to recoil to the word. Princess was what my father and all of his clients would call me. I really didn't want to feel afraid of one of Keith's friends but that is almost where I am at.

"Dally don't call her princess and leave her alone understand?" Keith said defending me. Dallas raised his hands in surrender and backed up. I gave a smile of gratitude toward my cousin and Darrel called us all inside. The first thing Sodapop did was grab the phone while everyone else took a seat in the living room.

"So how old are you guys?" I ask curious on who was the same age as me as well as any age gaps.

"Well Pony is fourteen, Johnny is sixteen, Steve and Soda are seventeen, Dally is eighteen, and Darry is twenty" Answered Keith.

"Hey Minnie?" called Soda


"Do you want a job at the DX, a local gas station Steve and I work at?"

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah I just got off the phone with my boss he just wants to meet you and see how you work first before you get the job."

"Oh my god, yes. When?"


"ok" I jumped up and hugged Soda "Thank you" i said over and over again. He just laughed and hugged me back.

For the rest of the night we just hung out and talked. They learned about the soup kitchen I volunteer at. I learned the Curtis brothers are on their own because their parents died in a car accident. I also learned Darry is like the father of the gang, Soda is the one that cheers everyone up, Pony loves to read, Steve is trying to master a back flip, Keith is the clown (I could have guessed that one), Dally is the bad ass with the prison record, and Johnny is the quite one due to being jumped one too many times. I like the guys I feel safe here even with Dally's record. I can only hope my feelings will not lead me astray.

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