Chapter Nine: Traveler

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WeiZhou had to leave for his concert in three days, so lots of packing was to be done. He would travel to two continents, meeting with people who wanted him for photo shoots and of course, concerts every night. This was a two week trip, which would leave him, his baby and his hubby without him for that long. He was sort of afraid to leave them, especially since today Johnny had set up a meeting with his manager about asking if Cai could come to shoots and such without it being publicized. The kid was barely three, and there was no way he was leaving him alone or with a sitter for two weeks.
Jingyu busied around the house, cleaning the mess accumulated from the last few days. Cai was watching cartoons, focused on that and playing with his dog stuffy, which he had affectionately named "Hui". He was paying more attention to what Jingyu was doing then what was on TV. His manager was scheduled to come at 12, and right now it was 11:45. He got slightly more panicked as each minute passed, and as WeiZhou pushed his suitcase to the front door, to leave it there for the next three days.
WeiZhou kissed an obviously worried Jingyu on the lips, running a hand across his cheek. He knew how nervous Jingyu must be, coming out to his manager after so long, but it was overdue, and, Cai needed a place to be.
A knock sounded at the door and Jingyu almost fell over rushing to get it so fast. WeiZhou picked Cai up, kissing his forehead and sat down at the table.
Huang Jingyu's manager, we'll call him Kuo Baming, smiled at Jingyu when he opened the door.
"Good morning son!" With a huge grin, he pulled Jingyu into a tight hug. "How are you today?"
"I'm great, uncle. Would you like some tea?" Jingyu's hands were shaking as he poured three cups, bringing them to the table.
Baming studded in his steps when he saw WeiZhou. Messy hair, loose sweater that just hung off one shoulder and was slightly too big at the wrists, sweatpants, bouncing a child and with a diamond ring sparkling on his finger. Jingyu placed a tea cup in front of him, stiff with obvious panic.
"WeiZhou! Good to see you too. I see you've gotten engaged! Who's the lucky lady?"
WeiZhou swallowed, looking to Jingyu for help with the enthusiastic man. Jingyu took a breath in.
"Uncle, please sit down." He said, taking a seat next to WeiZhou and Cai. "I've asked you to come here today so WeiZhou and I could tell you that..."
In a fast move, without looking at his love, WeiZhou took his hand, urging Jingyu on. "We... we're together. Huang Jingyu and Xu WeiZhou. And this is our kid, Cai. We found him on the streets and knew we had to take him in. But next week when Timmy goes away, I need to take him to shoots and such. I need you to make sure no one takes any pictures of him." He looked solemnly at Baming.
"Jingyu, I wish you and WeiZhou would have told me sooner. WeiZhou's manager and I have been begging with the government for years to let you two act together again. Your chemistry together on stage is remarkable, but to know that you have that in real life now too?" He shook his head, grinning and standing up.
"Thank you so much for the tea. I'll make sure that Cai is not publicized at all the next two weeks. But all I need in return is for you both to work with me and WeiZhou's manager to lift the ban. Okay?" Jingyu and WeiZhou hurriedly nodded as Baming grabbed his things. "I'll see you two later. Have a nice day." With that, he closed the door, leaving behind a shocked couple and their distracted kid.

Aiya! I'm so so so so sorry about the late update. I've been on vacation since Monday, been away since Friday, and yes, I know, I suck. And this chapter is super short. Extra suck. And I've set it up to be angst/fluff after this chapter. Triple suck.
I will try to write more but I'm pretty busy until Friday or Saturday. We'll see.
Again, apologies for the late update. Thank you for still reading, though. It means the world to me.

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