Chapter Five: Relization

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"I don't like these noodles."
WeiZhou looked up from his bowl at Cai, who had his head in his hands and was poking around his noodles with chopsticks.
"What? You liked them last night." He said, reaching across the table and taking the bowl. "Is there something wrong tonight? Are they too salty?" WeiZhou peered into the food, picking at it concernedly.
"No. I'm just not hungry." This made Jingyu drop his chopsticks.
"Are you not feeling well?" Jingyu leaned over the table and pressed the back of his hand. He wasn't hot, so that was a good sign.
"Is my food not good enough for you?" WeiZhou pouted, puppy dog eyes directed at Cai.
"No! It's really really good, Ba, I'm just full." He pouted back. "I'll sit with you while you finish. I just don't want any more."
Jingyu smiled. "Okay." WeiZhou looked at him with eyes that Jingyu loved so much. His everything that Jingyu loved so much.
Jingyu, too, never ever thought of being gay. He was actually a pretty good definition of masculine, and he thought he was straight. He was pretty sure that he liked girls. But, even then, late at night he would wonder if he liked girls because all his other guy friends did, or if he liked girls because he actually was in love with them. Luckily, he was able to figure this out when he got on the set of Addicted, because he had never loved someone the way he loved WeiZhou.
Jingyu was a childish person sometimes, but that only escalated when he was on the set with WeiZhou. He was touchy, always grabbing him and pulling him so WeiZhou would touch him. He also played constant pranks on his crush, laughing hard when he fell for them.
He was head over heels for WeiZhou at the time they finished filming. So he asked him out.
WeiZhou was his soulmate, he was sure of it. Nothing could compare to the way WeiZhou made him feel. They fit so perfectly together, in every way possible. WeiZhou was his safe home, his lighthouse in a storm. He couldn't imagine not being with him. If they weren't together, Jingyu would rather die than live halfheartedly without this lover.
They cleaned up and then decided to watch TV before bed. Cai was busy on the floor, playing with his new toys, while Zhou and Jingyu cuddled together on the couch. Jingyu was lost in thought. WeiZhou noticed as the other man mindlessly played with his hands.
"Do you... do you think we'll ever be able to come out?" Jingyu said all of the sudden, breaking the tension. WeiZhou turned himself over in Jingyu's arms so that his chin was resting on his chest. He reached a hand up to toy with Jingyu's hair, knowing all too well how serious this conversation was about to get.
"I'm not sure." He said the words out loud, the first time he ever had. It felt burdening now that it was spoken into consciousness.
"I mean, it's not impossible. Remember Uncontrolled Love? Those guys came out, and nobody was all over them for it." He sighed. "I know it would be different for us. We have a larger fan base. People all around the world who know our names. But they would support us, wouldn't they?"
WeiZhou nodded. "I can't tell you how many times I've seen the word 'Yuzhou' on instagram. They want us together."
"But how? How could we tell them without getting ourselves in trouble." Jingyu said it as more of a statement then a question. His one hand was gently rubbing Zhou's back. He knew that the other man disliked talking about this.
"I'm not sure." Zhou's browns crinkled in thought. "We could just... post a picture of Cai with some writing maybe. Saying how we're together, we're in love, we're okay." He sighed, tracing his fingers over Jingyu's ear.
"I suppose." Jingyu shrugged. "But you know what, let's cross that bridge when we get there. That's enough for tonight." WeiZhou hummed in agreement. They laid there for a while, ignoring the TV and watching Cai with huge grins.
Eventually, Cai joined the couple on the couch and fell asleep in WeiZhou's arms. He carried him to bed quietly, forcing him to brush his teeth and helping him to change out of his clothes. They said goodnight to him in his new room, a routine they were sure to get used to. This was a new responsibility for both of them, and they had vowed to take it on.
Jingyu watched WeiZhou get ready for bed, crawling into the covers beside him. They cuddled together, but again Jingyu was lost in thought, but only one:
"I want to marry Zhou."
That one thought was enough to push him over the cliff.

Yes this is kinda short too but the next chapter is packing heat I promise.
Also thanks to everyone who read and voted! It means so much to me! I don't have a huge plan for this story so if you want something to happen comment it!
Stay tuned for next chapter!

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