Exposure Nurturing and Reunions

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I woke up to the feeling of nasea and pain.

Lots and lots of pain.

My head felt as if I rammed into a brick wall, the brick wall fell apart and the bricks landed on my head, then a tractor came and ran me over for the heck of it. Then, as I was lying limply under a pile of bricks and a tractor, the driver of said tractor square danced on my head to the pace of " The Devil Went Down To Georgia," which just so happens to be pretty damn fast.

I groaned, adjusting my postion on my bed by rolling over.

Wait, my bed?

I sat up so fast, the pain blared at me like a siren and I found myself clutching my head and giving out short gasps of air. I could practcally feel the pressure in my head slowly building as the pain threatened to burst my skull open.

This was not my bed.

Deciding to concntrate on anything else but the pain, I mentally retraced my steps to how I had gotten in this room. I wanted to examine the room more closely, but anytime I opened my eye just a peep, pain would cut through my head like a hot stabbing pitchfork.

Okay, last thing I remember?

Ummmm..... Workout room?

No, I can do better than that. Further, I pushed myself.

Coming back to the shack.... Shower! I fell down in the shower!

The pain slowly began to ebb away until it was an amount I could deal with. Glancing around the room without moving my head too much, I figured that I was in Stacy's room. And judging from the soft sensation of covers hugging my body tightly, I knew I was naked.

I wasn't alarmed at this, I fell in the shower. Was I expected to wear a sundress?

But wait.....

I had to get from the bathroom to Stacy's bedrrom. Someone had to have carried me the distance, and they would have done it in my... err- exposed manner.

But Stacy definatly wasn't strong enough to carry me.

But then-

Oh. My. God.


I screeched so loud I think I might have popped a blood vessel.

Seconds later, Zach and Stacy came running into the room with alarmed expressions on their faces.

"911, what's your emergency?!" Yelled Zach on the top of his lungs.

"Don't give me that, Horny! You touched me when I was naked!"

"Ah, that." He smiled at me, but not sheepishly or guiltily. No, it was a proud smile. One you'd wear on graduation day, or when you get promoted. Maybe even getting caught dousing your teacher's planner in yellow ink.

Or when committed a crime you're proud of.

Like murdering a teenage boy who touched me when I was naked.

"Don't. Ever. Touch me again. Unless you don't like your balls attached to your body."

H.P took a large step backwards as Stacy took an equally large one forwards.

"You okay, Sweetie?" She asks, her voice concerned and sweet. It threw me off a little, she sounded like I had suffered something life threatening. I mean sure, I bumped my head, but she was making it sound worse than that.

Not to mention she wasn't meeting my eyes.

She was hiding something.

I narrowed my eyes at her, but decide to brush it off for now. She's done a lot for me. Getting suspicious of her felt like a betrayal.

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