Tainted rain

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Okay, fine. I get it. Bitchiness is not an attractive trait, but it keeps people an arms lengths away, and that's what every girl wants, am I right?

No? Okay, fine then.

If you don't believe that, you shouldn't read this story. My story.

'Cause it's not only me that takes bitchiness to a whole 'nother level. It's the people that are trying to hunt me down and kill me.


I, Dawn Vinyl always liked to live life to the fullest, drinking games, late parties, make out sessions with strangers, having a fuck-you attitude towards all authority. Granted, most of that stopped 4 months ago when I fell in love, but the majority of my life was still spent being told I was "a good for nothing kid" whatever the hell that was supposed to mean.

Karma, however, is also a bitch, and she ('cuz Karma is like a teenage girl on her period, so it had to be a she)

Got her revenge on me when I walked through the door to my house one day with said boyfriend. So started a war of blood, tears, and revenge.

Don't let the title fool you. This story is anything but poetic.

Tainted rain, by @killed_by_books

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