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"We may have located them," the detective stated.
I looked over and held Mickey's hand. I could see he was really trying to be a trooper for Go-Go. Truth was we needed him back. We needed our good-time girl back.
I looked over at Ken.
He had been ignoring me lately. Almost completely. I didn't know what it was. I didn't think I did anything. I thought I had been cool with him.
But all I could see was the anger in his expressions. His eyes barely stared into mine any longer. What was all this about anyway?
"So go get him, what the fuck are you guys waiting for!" Mickey exploded after thinking it over for a second, "I need my baby back. Like you fucking cops aren't doing anything for this situation at all!"
He slammed his fist on the table.
I grabbed him. I knew damn well what Mickey would do to this cop if he got the chance. I didn't want any type of blow up to escalate. Mickey was just anxious and he got angry when he got anxious.
"You guys are going to do something, right soon, right?" I stated.
"As soon as we can..."
"WHAT THE FUCK DOES THAT MEAN!" Mickey screamed out as I pushed him back.
"Thank you," I offered.
I had to guide Mickey out of the room. I realized Ken wasn't even helping me. He never helped. He always just left the issues in our group to the members of our group and stayed out of it while in his shitty ass attitude that he had been getting.
We were in the hallway.
I had to restrain Mickey with everything I had.
All it took was him to see one of them. All it took was a swing of the arm and he'd land his ass right back in jail like usual. And TRUST me...Mickey would do it. Mickey would do it in the quickest second. He just so way TOO angry. Way too aggravated and annoyed.
"You have to be strong, for Go-Go."

"If these were females that were taken away, they would have found them already. It's the fact that these are faggots. That's what it was. It's the fact that all these are gay guys."
Ken shook his head.
"That isn't true."
I looked at Ken. For being Mickey's brother he should have known better then to interrupt Mickey when he was in one of his moods.
"It isn't because they are guys," Ken stated, "It's because these guys were dumb enough to put themselves in a position where a stranger could easily just take them away. You guys love having good times don't you. I hope this is the best time ever."0
I could see Mickey's eyes turning a fierce red and turning to Ken. Then he went for him. He grabbed Ken roughly by his collar and pulled him so hard that Ken almost fell to the ground. He held onto Ken's collar and shook the fuck out of him.
"Nigga what the fuck did you just say?"
"Go-Go...is all that matters."
Mickey was still steaming but he calmed down long enough to let go of Ken. I could see Ken getting upset as he pulled way.
"You going to attack me too?" Ken stated and backed away, "This is lame. I'm leaving. Have a GREAT FUCKING TIME."
Ken walked away pissed as all hell.
Me and Mickey just looked at each other. We understood each other a lot at times. I was always the main one backing him up when he got into his crazy ass fights.
I leaned up against the wall.
"Lacey, man I need to relieve some stress. Like I can't imagine what homie is doing to Go-Go. I mean, doesn't it make you want to go crazy?"
It did. Go-Go and I were close. I loved all my friends. I knew of course Mickey had a 'special' attachment to Go-Go, but I still loved Go-Go just as much as any lover could love him. Our friendship was strong like that.
I unfolded one of the little chairs and gave it to him to sit on. He wasn't sitting. I could see how tense Mickey was. Immediately I forced him down on the chair and he finally sat on it in a thud.
"Well at least you ain't in jail..." I stated.
"Not yet," he started to laugh.
I knew that laughter.
"Maybe I need to be in jail. You know. It always helps me cool off. Get all the frustration out.
It was too late.
Mickey had picked up the chair and just as soon as I did it, he had found a random old man and he slammed the fuck out of the old man with the chair IN THE MIDDLE OF THE POLICE STATION.
The old man looked like he damn near died.
My face got red with embarrassment as Mickey cracked up into laughter. I had to admit, him hitting someone always seemed to cool him down one way or the other.
"Hey you know the drill. Give me like a day or two and then get that bail money under my bed."

The Good Time Girls MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now