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What the fuck was I doing here? I was standing here in these gold chains. A lot of my friends had flown out from New Alphabet City to come to this wedding and they were all showing up to watch me look like a damn fool.
What the fuck was I doing?
He had given me what I wanted. Well most of what I wanted. We had gotten the cages, the gold, the spotlights, the music I wanted. I had almost everything that I wanted and I was supposed to be happy. But I wasn't.
"You really bout to do this?" I heard a voice say.

I turned around. I was in my dressing room. It was just 20 minutes before I was going to march out there and get married to a stranger.
Mickey had snuck into my dressing room. He was dressed up looking his same old regular sexy self. He had on a white tea, long gold chain and jeans that hung underneath his ass showing his boxer briefs. His fitted hat was turned backwards and he had his arms crossed over his chest. Trying to act cool even though I could tell his ass was tired as hell from climbing up to the trailer I had stationed right outside of the room.
"Mickey man, it's not your concern," I stated.
I rolled my eyes.
Truth was I was turned on. He really came back for me. Aw! I figured the first time he would just probably pack his shit up and leave. I could see Mickey's face get a little long as he made his way over to me.
"Why you doing this to me shawty?" he asked me.
He grabbed me from behind, pulling me close. I could feel his breath against the back of my neck as he spoke. He pressed up behind me, pulling at my chains to bring me closer to him. His breath was so cool against my neck.
"I'm not doing anything to you," I stated.
"You marrying someone!"
"So as my best friend you should be there for me."
He turned me around and faced me. We ended up real close when he swung me around. Our faces were right next to each other. I could smell the oils that he used. Mickey always used these strong, very masculine oils.
"You know that's not what I want to be though," he stated, looking at me in my eyes, "C'mon now, let's both of us stop bullshitting. You know we always been more than just friends on some real shit."
He was right. There was always an attraction between us. It was always just a look when we were friends. When he used to kiss Orion, he would look at me, see if I was jealous of him or not. He would kiss Orion and be watching me the entire time.
"What about Orion?"
"He's done."
"Now who you fooling Mickey?" I asked, crossing my arms, "You are always done with Orion and yet you two always get right back together."
"Man, why the fuck you worried about Orion?" he asked, looking at me with these slanted eyes, "You sound like a jealous ass little girl right now. I'm not all the way in Las Vegas, bout to act a fucking fool over Orion's punk ass."
"But you can't promise you never going to fuck with Orion again, now can you?"
He looked at me funny.
He stayed quiet. I knew it. I knew the motherfucker couldn't promise that shit.
"I don't know man."
I turned away from him. My head was hurting with the thought of this. I hated having to confront Mickey on this same bullshit. Orion was always THERE. He was like a fucking bug that wouldn't stop leeching.
"So why we still talking?" I asked.
Truthfully I was hurt. I knew he still cared about Orion, but I just wished that he would lie to me. Make me feel as though he didn't. Mickey didn't lie to me. He just stood there looking sad. And it hurt. It tore me apart.
"Cause if I can't have you then no one can," he stated, shrugging his shoulders, "I'll hurt that dude. And before you say it I know I'm being selfish. I don't give a fuck. You KNOW, I don't give a fuck."
He grabbed me by my arm, but I shook it off hard and back up away from him, running into a mirror.
"You going to drag me out like last time?"
"You know I'm good for it," he stated.
"I'll start kicking and screaming and the guards will come in here and arrest your ass," I threatened immediately.
"Man you are so bitch-made right now," he said walking over to me, "Bring your ass here. I'll knock your ass out, I swear to god. I'm not for the bullshit. You know I'm taking your ass home one way or another. YOU KNOW IT! So why the fuck are you being fucking difficult. BRING YOUR ASS HERE!"
He took a spring at me and I just dodged him, doing a roll past him. And he landed on the dresser, clearing the entire dresser off.
I ripped on of my gold chains and threw it at his face. I could see him getting red as it hit him dead in his face. Yeah.
I laughed as he got real red in the face.
"Now you know I'm bout to fuck you up for that don't you?"
Before I knew it, we were in an all out tussle. Things breaking, screaming, chaos.
Where the fuck was security?
Oh yeah, I told them not to disturb me no matter what.
10 minutes, later I was on the floor. My lip was swollen, I had scratches all over my body and all the gold that I had had adorned myself with was scattered all over. All I had on now was my underwear, which was torn up one ass cheek and half of my damn black and gold cape.
Mickey was on the floor beside me. He had tired himself out as well. I had left him with a couple bruises myself. Damn it, I fought dirty. I threw everything I owned at him.
I watched him lazily reach over, trying to punch me in the face too.
Sad thing is I was too lazy to dodge the slow attack and ended up getting hit dead in my face. My head jerked to the other side of the floor and I remained in that position.
Tired, weary, sweating and definitely not ready to get married.
That was when, I saw him climb on top of me. I struggled a little bit. I felt like he was going to try to choke me. To my surprise...he didn't. To my surprise, Mickey started to kiss me. He started to kiss at all my wounds.
He started with the bruises on my torso. And worked his way up to my neck, sucking at my neck as though trying his hardest to leave some type of mark.
Then he made his way to my swollen lip and he licked at it. It felt so good feeling his tongue tending to my lips. He made soft, tender circles. I never felt Mickey...so damn sensitive.
"Why you had to make me go and do that?" he asked me.
His voice was low. He locked me into my eyes, lifting up my head. He wanted to kiss me. I could see it in his eyes and there was something so damn sexy about him at this moment. There was something that I couldn't resist.
I puckered my lips moving closer to him as well.
We kissed there.
Our tongues melted into one another. It was the softest touch imaginable. And it was surprisingly from rough ass Mickey.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
"Please don't," he stated.
He sounded so soft. He sounded so wounded. I had never seen Mickey as helpless as he was at this moment. He was looking as though the next word that I said had the potential to really hurt him.
I never knew Mickey cared.
But...it was...too late.
More knocked came at the door.
"Sir are you ready, it's your turn to walk down the isle."
I looked over at Mickey. I was wondering if he was going to attack me one last time, but he didn't. He just silently watched as I got up and walked to the door, taking what was left of my effect with me.

The Good Time Girls MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now