Chapter 4

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Mihawk looked up at the tall doors as he entered Mariejois. His mind peddled back to when he asked Nova out for a drink. The woman seemed thoroughly confused when she agreed and told him to be safe in his travels. He remembered her dusted lips and the sound of her voice clearly when she said to be safe. It was the first time in decades someone had said that to him.

Mihawk walked past the marines stationed in the holy land as he made his way to the meeting room. It was a coincidence that this meeting was about the pirate crew he was interested in. Mihawk entered the large meeting room and saw the participants in the room. The ever-present Kuma and Heavenly Demon, Doflamingo in attendance of the shichibukai.

"Ohh what a surprise that you, of all people, have turned up," Doflamingo commented as the swordsman made his way into the room. "Fufufufu the fall of our friend, Crocodile, is certainly news for a man like you."

"I'm more interested in the crew," Mihawk commented as he looked to the new bounty posters on the table. His eyes scanning over the two and were glad to see the poster of the man that swore to take his title. "However," Mihawk spoke up and looked to Sengoku. Tossing the ear onto the table. "Keep your pets in line, Sengoku."

Sengoku frowned as he eyed the severed ear. "Who is that?" He asked, having a feeling that it belonged to one of the sins. Only they would be stupid enough to attack powerful figures. "Well, maybe not all of them." He thought as the bright eyes of Wrath entered his mind.

"I believe he called himself Glutton," Mihawk answered, deciding to stand. He held up a crumpled piece of paper with the orders showing to everyone in the room. "Your minions need training. Had a powerful figure, other than myself, defeated one of your toys then they would have the government's orders." Tossing the paper to the fleet admiral.

Sengoku caught the paper and read over the order. Frowning, as the order was not given by him.

Eliminate all known male associates in connection with the sparrow. Full reign granted.

Operation: red pedestal

Sengoku didn't know what the operation meant and doubted the swordsman knew either. However, it was still a mission given out by the government. An item an enemy could still use. "The government will have to look into this." He spoke and faced the three shichibukai, "However, a new warlord must be chosen."

Nova looked to her metal arm in silence. Having locked Blue and Trevor out due to their consistent nagging and with Shanks and his crew gone, Nova found herself uninspired. She kept her gaze on her arm and wiggled each finger and moved her arm up and down. Her arm was made out of the same material as the dagger but Nova felt it wasn't complete. "Soon enough they'll force the process out of me. Once they have the plans it'll be possible for enemies to get their hands on it. My arm wouldn't last against another user." She thought out loud. "Creating nanobots and combining them with my arm would be a difficult task. I don't have the right tools or materials and if I use Vegapunk's lab, they'll only monitor me." Nova frowned, wondering how she could improve her body. Resting her human hand on her chest. Her heart was still beating strong.

Sighing, Nova stood and headed over to the only mirror in her workshop and slipped off her overalls. Lifting her shirt over her head and stood in her underwear. Turning her back to the mirror, Nova looked over the burn marks on her body carefully. They were the only part of her that made her feel human. The burns given to her by Akainu before her transformation was complete. Pulling her hair up, Nova spotted the incision mark to the base of her neck. "Half flesh - half metal." Nova snorted and dropped her hair. Her bones were completely replaced with the same material as her arm. Her second scathing ordeal. The procedure was so unbearable that Nova didn't remember most of what had happened.

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