Chapter 1

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"Look, I'll just finish one more and then I'll go and rest." Nova held her arms up in defense as she tried to placate the two stern men before her. One was a large bulky man and the other a thin man wearing glasses. "I swear, this will be the last one and then no more."

"No more for the rest of the week, Master." The bulky man named Blue said softly as he melted under her bright green gaze. "You've been cooped up in your workshop for two weeks. When was the last time you bathed?" He commented as he looked over her messy frame. Dirty clung to her skin greedily as her clothes reeked of oil and hung loosely around her body.

"Uhh Maybe three days ago?" Nova chuckled nervously as she thought over his question. "B-but I'm almost done, I swear!"

"You said that yesterday, boss." Trevor, the thin spectacle man huffed. He looked around her cluttered workshop and sighed at the mess. "Boss." He said sternly as he frowned at the young lady.

"Fine fine. I'm going." Nova grumbled and stood from her seat. Stretching her limbs with a satisfied groaned, "How's the tavern?" Tucking a strand of her blonde hair behind her ears as she waddled out of her mess and towards the entrance where her workers stood waiting. "Any troubles?" She asked as she grabbed the cloth from Blue to clean her stained hands. Walking between the two men as they headed next door to the 'Ugly Duckling'.

"We need a new supplier, Master. Robbie refuses to sell to us now." Blue sighed sadly and opened the door to the tavern for Nova before following behind her.

"Did he say why," Nova questioned as she looked to her calloused hands. She heard silence and turned to her two older workers with a raised brow. "What?"

Trevor sighed loudly and threw his hands in the air. "Boss, we've told you this a million times! No one wants to sell to thieves! They're a bunch of hypocrites! I swear, just let me hit one of them, boss, and they'll all be selling to us."

"Former thieves." Nova held up her hand with a grin. "And no fighting. I'll knock your front teeth out if you do." Nova bellowed out in laughter when Blue scolded her as he held back Trevor from hitting her. "I'll sort it out, don't worry. No one can resist my womanly charms~" She sung out and stuck her hip out. Striking a pose that only made the two men snort. "What? I can be charming!" Pointing at the two men accusingly, "I'll have you know, I've been voted the most beautiful woman on this island three years in a row!"

"So? You're still not charming, boss." Trevor snorted and pushed his glasses up his nose as he headed to the kitchen. "You're more likely to get a date with a robot with all your tinkering about in the workshop. Ha! I wouldn't be surprised if you married a man as cold as a robot!" Trevor laughed all the way to the kitchen and ignore Nova's grumbles, "Imma start cooking. Get the booze before those bastards leave!"

Nova sighed when Trevor left and looked up to Blue. The soft giant was watching her carefully and Nova puffed out her cheeks. "What? Do you agree with Trev?"

Blue shrugged his shoulders as he opened up the door. "I wouldn't be surprised, is what I'm saying, Master." Ushering the woman out the door and towards town. "Did you want to freshen up first, Master?" He asked cautiously as the woman walked casually with her arms locked behind her head and looking up at the clouds.

"Nah I'm good," Nova commented and watched the passing clouds. Feeling her chest lighten at the freedom she possessed at the moment. "Ne Blue? We've been together for years but I've never asked you. What made you become a thief in the first place? You seem more like a homemaker to me."

Blue chuckled and picked Nova up. Placing her on his shoulder as he explained, "I always wondered when you would ask, Master. Trev and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. His temper always worried me so I tagged along. Nothing fancy about fighting for the poor like Robin Hood."

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