Chapter 3

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Three months later:

"What do you think?" Nova asked nervously as the Red Hair Pirates moved around in their new clothes.

"Ohh it's so light! Like I'm not wearing my cape!" Shanks gushed as he fluttered around his black cape.

Benn held part of his cape up and sliced at the material with his dagger. "Oh very impressive, Nova." Keeping to her word that the material couldn't be sliced.

"It can only withstand so much damage. If a powerful swordsman, per say, were to slice at you at full strength then you're dead." Nova commented, "When you return with data for me, I can create something better. I'm working on something else and I hope to incorporate it into the material somehow. When I'm successful, if the material somehow got damaged the technology I'll embed into the material with stitch itself together."

Benn's eyes widened, "You're talking about nanotechnology." He spoke with respect, "You're one smart person."

Nova covered her blushing cheeks with her hands, "O-oh thank you." Gushing at the praise of the smartest man from East Blue. "It'll take some time though."

Shanks grinned and grabbed Nova's hands. "This is amazing, Nova! Thank you."

Nova slapped Shanks on the shoulder as her face turned bright red. "O-oh thank you!"

"Ow," Shanks whined at Nova's hit. "You're using your cheating arm." He accused the blonde woman and only made her laugh.

Benn stood next to Blue and Trevor as they three watched their leaders chat like old friends.

"Are you heading off now, Benn-san?" Blue asked the first mate.

Benn puffed on his cigarette before he replied, "Not yet. We're waiting for someone to meet us here."

"A man?" Trevor asked curiously as he pressed his glasses further up his nose.

"Perhaps," Benn smirked, causing the two men to get smirk along with him. "Oi, aren't you two supposed to be protective or something?"

"Not when it comes to her love life." Trevor chuckled, "We've been waiting years for her to find a nice person to settle down with. I'm convinced she's never been in love before."

"Isn't she in her twenties?" Benn muttered and looked over at the woman they were gossiping about. "Surely she must've had a crush or something by now."

"Milady is more interested in tinkering than falling in love. It'll take one heck of a person to catch her attention." Blue commented as the blonde in question was yelling at Shanks for pinching her cheeks. "Does he always have to tease her?"

"It helps her unwind, doesn't it," Benn said and heard the two men grumble in agreement. The first mate taking a soft heart to the carefree assassin. The woman terribly didn't fit into the seven sins mould. She would always bounce back after a tough day. "Nova!" He called out the blonde and watched as she shoved Shanks away and made her way over to him. Benn chuckled and ruffled her hair affectionately, causing her to scowl at him. "When did you last sleep?" He questioned.

"Ah, Milady!" Blue suddenly realised, "You haven't slept in almost seven days! Come! Off to bed, you go!" Grabbing the woman before she could run away and rushed towards Nova's home.

Trevor eyed Benn with mirth, "You really know how to play Blue." He clapped his hands and caught the attention of the pirate crew. "Lunch will be ready in an hour. Wash your hands before you eat, you bastards!" Entering the tavern to get started on their lunch.

Shanks walked up to Benn and patted his shoulder. "She sure is talented."

"And not suitable under the World Government," Benn added on.

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