Chapter 2

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I didn't leave the party because I was embarrassed, I left because I was mad.

Mad at who, I wasn't sure yet.

Let me get one thing straight, I was not trying to get into Spencer's pants.

I didn't even know who Spencer was.

I needed fresh air and a cold, cold coke.

When I got of my car, one of my friends appeared shotgun. Jessy was the only one who didn't throw accusations at me.

She believed me. Someone in that mess of a group believed me.

"Tyler has been having affairs with Jane for months now." Jessy explained as I drove her home, which wasn't at all far.

"What the hell? Why didn't you back me up?" I asked, a bit louder than I intended. Jessy was a fragile barbie looking doll.

She sighed audibly. "I'm sorry. I was a bit panicked." her voice held something back, though she didn't let on.

I turned on the rain swoopers as the rain intensity increased a little. I called them that because I didn't know their name. I only recently learned English, being German and all.

"I don't suppose you had the right to say anything, anyway." I comforted her, despite me being the one who needs comfort.

I dropped Jessy off and promised to meet up soon. She was a good friend, one of my best actually.

One U turn and a couple turns later, I was back driving towards the party house, Tyler's, where the whole soap opera happened.

To my shock, someone was perched on the street, leaning against a car, but sitting on the cold wet street. Rain was dripping from the tips of his blonde hair.

It was none other than the cause of this night's misery. Spencer.

However, when I saw him like that, cold and helpless, my humanitarian side softened.

Every story has at least two sides right?

Telling him to get in the car mortified him.

When I though about it, I got mortified too.

Imagine this scenario:

You're at a party with your friends and their friends and college roommates.
Something bad happens; someone gets accused of cheating.
The cheater accuses the accuser of lying, so you stand up for the accuser because he was, actually, not lying.
Then you two end up being accused of 'faggoty'.
To top it off, you ask the accuser to get in your car at an unholy hour of the night.

Mortifying indeed.

But it worked anyway; at least, after I explained the ramifications of hypothermia.

It didn't take much for us to actually hit it off. It was the kind of friendship that just sort of happens, you know? The ones where in a couple weeks you basically know how long it takes them to take a leak.

Well, maybe not that much.

For some time, I actually considered getting into Spencer's pants. But then he started falling and his roommate, which was wild considering he accused his girlfriend of cheating.

Soap opera, I'm telling you.

Fall season passed like it always does in Rivertown. Quick an smooth. It was Christmas in no time, and we were spending it at Spencer's home in Oldyork. By we, I mean I was third wheeling him and his roommate.

That didn't last much though.

Because when I saw the huge bulk of meat step into the doorway, I knew I was in trouble.

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