clean house | ashton

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his arm oh my-can i
BREATHE for 2 seconds

i thought today couldn't get any worse, but when i came home i was proven very wrong

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i thought today couldn't get any worse, but when i came home i was proven very wrong. as soon as you enter the door there are four pair of shoes scattered around the floor. walking into the living room there were two boxes of pizza on the coffee table, one box half empty, the other had a couple of crusts in them along with grease stains. six empty beer bottles were on the table and by the couch.

i was too scared to go in the kitchen and see what disaster was in there. from the loud laughter and sound of a blender already made me want to scream. i shut my eyes and silently prepared myself for whatever is to come.

i walked into the kitchen and my jaw dropped at the sight. what the fuck. two ice cream cartons opened and sprinkles all over the counter, chocolate syrup drippig out of the blender, and chocolate chip cookie crumbs on the floor.

besides all of that, four tall australian boys were right aside the mess, their huge smiles dropped when they saw me with a shocked and angry expression.

"uh, welcome home, babe." ashton spoke, smiling nervously.

i took a deep breath and controlled myself from yelling at them to clean up every mess they made in every room like a mother yells at their children.

"ashton, what the fu-"

"before you finish that sentence," michael cut me off, even holding up a finger, and grabbed a bowl of ice cream with cookies on top and sprinkles splattered around, and a spoon. "we made you one." he smiles and holds it out to me.

i squinted my eyes at him. his smile dropped at my "are you fucking serious" look and put the bowl back.

"sorry." he muttered and looked down.

"ashton." i gave him a look.

he covered up his fear with a smile, "yes honey?"

"can i talk to you? alone?" i ask as calmly as i could.

the other boys look at him like siblings do when the other is in trouble. ashton nods and steps out the messy kitchen and goes into the messy living room.

"what's wrong, my sweet angel?" he asked.

"what the hell?!" i exclaim and hit his arm.

ashton gasped and rubbed his arm with a pout.

"this place is a mess! i just cleaned it yesterday! how does this even happen? are you fucking five years old?!"

"babe, please, calm down-"

"no! i'm sick of coming home almost every day to a mess in every room i walk in. a mess i didn't even make, but i have to clean it up all by myself!" i shouted.

he looked down and allowed me to let out my anger at him.

"i just want one day where i can come home to a clean house, but of course it'll never happen because god forbid you clean up your own messes!" i scoffed. "i can never come home from a shitty day at work and relax, no, i have to come home from a shitty day at work to a mess you made and left for me to clean. don't you realize how messed up that is?" after my shouting, ashton looks up slowly and nods, taking everything in.

"okay," he finally says something. "i'm sorry, it's really wrong of me to leave a mess and not clean up after myself. i didn't know it made you feel that way."

i cross my arms against my chest and nod slowly as he spoke. i was kind of surprised by how understanding he was, i thought he'd fight back, not that i wanted that.

"hey, how about i go tell the guys to leave, run you a bath, and i'll clean up the place while you get the relaxation you deserve." ashton arranges and places his big warm hands on my arms.

my lips tug upwards at the sweet gesture, "okay." i replied in a small voice.

he smiled and leaned down, placing a small kiss on my forehead. he ran into the kitchen, i heard mumbles before one by one three men came walking out the kitchen and to the front door to retrieve their shoes.

"bye guys." i said.

"bye y/n." they all say make their way out.

"come on, love." i heard ashton's sweet voice call out.

i grinned and followed him upstairs. he turned on the bath and even put bubbles in it, which made me giggle at how excited he was when he saw the bubbles form.

"let me help you." he mumbles as he stands behind me.

i felt him grab the hem of my shirt and start to lift it up. i raised my arms so it'd be easier for him. i felt ashton's fingertips softly run up my sides and to my bra, he undid it and slid it down my shoulders slowly, even kissing my shoulder softly.

after those were discarded he turned me around and as we made eye contact his hands found the button of my pants. i bit my lip as he began to tug the material down my legs, when they hit my ankles i stepped out of them and kicked them to the side. next he hooked his fingers in my panties and slowly pulled them off.

"there you go, gorgeous." he whispered.

by now, my cheeks were burning and i grew a little shy under ashton's stare. he scanned my body once and bit down on his lip, probably fighting the urge to pounce on me. he picked up my clothes and put them in the laundry basket.

"i'll uh, go clean and check up on you when i'm done." he said.

i nodded and he exited, he closed the door on his way out, leaving me by myself in the small room. i chuckled and took off my socks, i stepped in the bath and sit down carefully.

i sigh in satisfaction and lean my head back on the wall, my eyes closed as i let all my worries wash away. it's been a while since i've had a chance to relax like this. it felt amazing.

after what felt like hours i heard a soft knock on the door. i smile and call out for ash to open. the door slowly opens and a smiley ashton walks in.

"care if i join?"

i giggled, "please do."

he quickly gets rid of his clothes and i scooted up to give him room to sit. once he was in i scooted back and rested my back on his chest, his hands wrapping around my waist. he kissed my temple and i shut my eyes, enjoying the feel.

"i love you." ashton says.

i look up at him and grab his face, leaning him down to kiss my lips. he smiles against my lips and pulls away seconds later.

"i love you too." i said back.

"so...are we gonna have sex or..."

ugh ok

fuck i havent updated in a while i'm so
sorry. i am sister sorry.

this really sucks i am so sorry i wrote this last night at 12am and i was pretty tired so if theres mistakes thats why :// hope you guys liked this one though.

i love you all so much,
have a great day,
i wanna hug calum :((

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