Chapter 1 ~Part One~

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"Dammit Dean, I've told you about being reckless like this!" the taller, but younger, brother rolled his eyes in exasperation as they walked through the second corridor of the night. The demon they had been hunting had taken refugee in a rather large home, and it made it difficult to navigate because they got lost so frequently. Exasperated, Sam called out to an extrodinary ally; Castiel. Sam leaned against the wall as he spoke "Cas can you come down and give us a hand? We're having trouble." Immediately and swiftly, Castiel appeared before them, his trench coat whooshing slightly as he stood between the brothers "Hello Sam. Hello Dean." he spoke in a gravel low voice that was soft but strong. Both men clapped him on some part of his body in welcome; Dean his shoulder and Sam his outer arm before Dean spoke "We're having trouble finding that uh, demon. This house is huge man. It's a friggin maze." he huffed in exasperation. Castiel would normally be on this hunt with them, but he was much to busy as of late trying to help those in need. If it got him back out doing this, the Angel would happily oblige this request. Without a word Castiel disappeared and within second reappeared, leading the way to the door down the hall. Sam and Dean prepared themselves with Castiel behind them just in case before Dean kicked in the door and they attacked.

The demon was strangely unaware of them being here, a look of true shock coating his features as he stood from his desk. He didn't stand much of a chance between the Winchester brothers and their angel friend, but he tried nonetheless, and sent Sam hurling into the wall with a flick of his wrist. As Sam stood and tried to regain his composure, Dean tried to stab the demon with the incredible demon slaying blade, but just came short before the demon got him into a headlock, choking the man as his black eyes blazed with fury. Castiel was calm, appearing and reappearing as he always did, behind the demon and placing a single hand on his head. In an instant the demon was destroyed, the angel easily overpowering his weak self and his vessel collapsed to the ground, dead for months probably. The brothers caught their breath as Castiel walked around the dead vessel, his face passive and unnerved before he spoke something that had slipped his mind "Oh, also there is a human female here."

Sam looked shocked as Dean instantly reacted "A human?! Why didn't you say so before?" "It was irrelevant at the time." Castiel said blankly. Dean rolled his eyes and mocked him "Oh it was irrelevant! Well that just fixes things!" Sam gave him a look as Castiel's usually unemotional face broke into a small frown "I do not like to be mocked Dean. It is not nice." Another look from Sam kept Dean from speaking again and instead he spoke "So Cas, where is she?" Castiel was still disgruntled and agitated at Dean, but he lead them to where they wished to go.

The three ended up heading to the third floor, the stairs winding slightly as they walked. At the end of the staircase was a white door painted with coral, mint, and light purple flowers "Ah man...the hell are we getting into?" Dean groaned as he opened the door up. It was definitely not what they were expecting, but it was close. The entire attic was one gigantic room that was covered with a thick tan carpet, and it was a child's paradise. Directly in front of them was a wall of windows, a bookshelf and a soft squishy chair sitting in front of it accompanied by a play table and a porcelain teaset atop of it. On the wall to the left of them was a bed filled with stuffed toys and bars on the side, a white canopy draping over it as two bedside tables including soft light lamps. The rest of the room had many toy chests, a play kitchen, a large castle tent, and doll house.

Stepping into the room, Dean spoke "A kid? Really? What kind of demon keeps a kid?" he wondered in a grumbling voice. Sam also stepped inside and examined the room, confusion twisting his face "I looks like he really cares for her.." "I agree." Castiel spoke touching the canopy "The human I sensed was not in distress or pain." The three stood around contemplating before a rustling came from the castle tent. "That must be the kid." Dean sighed going toward it and pretending to knock on the door "Hey, you in there. We won't hurt you alright, so just come out." No answer. Sam also walked over and tried a different approach from his brother "We just want to see if you're okay. We promise to be nice." he said solemnly, kneeling down so he was balanced on the front of his feet. The rustling began again before the opening unzipped slightly and a startling grey eye appeared. Dean gave his best smile while Sam waved gently at the mystery child "See? We're nice guys." Dean said rocking in his heels. Castiel stayed back toward the door as the opening unzipped further and both brothers took steps back, pure shock and confusion fueling the reaction.

They expected a little girl but what they found was a woman, no younger than eighteen, inside of the tent. Crawling out, her long reddish brown hair grazed the floor in thick waves as she kept her eyes on the strange men before she sat back on her haunches to continue her unnerving stare. Castiel stepped forward between the perplexed brothers and tilted his head "Strange. You don't look like a child." he stated plainly, his eyes staring into hers. They were both intense in their stares until the girl lifted her hand up to his face, which was indeed close to her own due to his examination, and poked a finger to his nose "Boop!" she squeaked before dropping her hand. At this even Castiel was taken aback, and he drew himself up to his full height before stepping back with the brothers. In the silence Dean began to laugh, nearly doubling over before looking at the other two men "This is a joke right? She's not really the kid? Is she a demon?" "No...she is indeed...human." Castiel murmured thoughtfully, his brow furrowing as he said this. The girl looked from each of then before throwing a big smile their way and lifting her arms "Up pease!" she chirped, wiggling a bit on the floor. They all stared at her blankly before she put her arms down again, visibly upset that no one lifted her up as if it was normal for someone to do so when she asked. Tears began to fill her big grey eyes as she hiccuped back a sob, and instantly all three men began to panic. Dean put his hands up as if to say 'it wasn't me!' while Castiel went stark white and looks behind him as of someone was going to come and quiet the girl.

Sam was the only one to realise what she wanted, and awkwardly lifted her up and held her away from his body. She really was tiny, probably only five foot two, but she definetly didn't like the way she was being held and bawled louder still, her limbs flailing in discomfort. Dean put his hands in his hair "Why is she crying!?" he asked in a panic stricken voice. He didn't understand why her crying made him so nervous and it kind of irked him. Thinking a bit but still quite pale, Castiel cleared his throat "Sam I think she wants to be...craddled." Both brothers looked at him as if to say 'that's not happening.' but as the crying grew louder and her face grew wetter, Sam gave an exasperated sigh and brought her to his chest, easily fitting her in that small space between his arm and neck, his arm keeping her up. Almost instantly she calmed, a small hiccup still escaping her mouth as she chewed on her fingers. They all looked at eachother in utter helplessness "The fuck did we walk into?" Dean snorted, eyeing the small girl.

((I was bored :P))

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