Taking In The News

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    Tony had been driving for almost an hour now, blowing way past the speed limit, but right now he didn't care. His world seemed to be crumbling. He had met some other street racers, cruising along side them, but now he was alone with no one in sight. He began thinking of everyone and everything, way too in depth for the speed he was going at. When he came to Peter though, his whole mind stopped. So did his self loathing.

   'How is my whole word crumbling when he's in bed right now sleeping?' He thought, coming to the realisation of what was actually going on. He tried finding where he was, which was quite a ways away from the compound. Sighing he did a U-turn, so he could start his journey back when everything went black. Glass smashing was the only sound, other than the ringing in his ears that could be heard.

  Peter yawned, making his drowsy eyes stretch, waking them up to the peering sunlight. He looked around, memories flooding in, but instead of grimacing, he smiled, as the usual frights were gone. He did his daily routine of scrolling on his phone when he realised something felt off.

   "School" he whispered, suddenly wide eyed while his heart dropped. He practically jumped out of bed, throwing on some possibly clean clothes, but right now he didn't really care. He frantically went through his desk finding his left over homework and another paper that had the handwriting of a trucker. Only question marks could describe his brain. Finally taking his time, he read through it, a sincere smile blooming on his face, his heart feeling full.

    Past doesn't define you, you define you. Don't let old things control you, like how I let them controlled me.

   Also if we compared our kill counts, I would be winning kid.

    Remember old ladies are 5 points

   He then came back from his trance and remembered his frantic mission before. Quickly he placed his new sacred note in his bedside table, for safe keeping. He grabbed his bag, hurtling himself through his doorway and into the empty hallway. When he came into the living quarters he was caught off guard by a few members of the team looking tired and depressed. His mouth dropped in confusion, trying to muster out words only to be greeted by silence, a few chocked cracks every here and there.

   "Hey, what's going on?" He finally got out, trying to sound as smooth as possible.

   "You might want to sit down bud" Natasha's soothing voice lowly said, concern and stress vibrating through her words.

   Eerily he made his way to the couch, looking around he saw most of the team, absent was Bruce, Steve, Tony, and of course Loki. He saw an empty seat next to Bucky, a faint friendly feeling erupting from his chest. The soldier saw the kids smile and gave a secret one back, trying to not draw much attention, but letting the kid know it's okay to be friends.

   "So what's up?" Peter asked again, not really wanting to know the answer.

   Everyone looked at each other, unknowing of who should break the news.

   "So uh, well, um" Clint fumbled around his words.

   "Peter, Tony is in the hospital" Sam spoke out, ripping off the band aid.

   "Wha-" Peter instantly became dazed, not listening to any of their comforting phrases.

   "He's alright I promise"
  "People have been trying to get rid of him forever, no way this is how he leaves"
   "He'll be back in no time" All the nurturing people of the group spit out condolences, not even sure themselves that they were true.

   "What h-happened?" Peters tears became noticeable, making the team become even more weary and nervous.

    As no one could bring themselves to it, Bucky found this as a perfect opportunity to help the kid out. "Just a small car crash, but he's getting the best treatment possible, Banner is working on him" He placed his wide hand on the kids slim arm, rubbing a bit because that's what he had seen on TV. After Hydra, Bucky didn't really know how to help anyone anymore, so he relied on soap operas and horror movies for his emotions.

   "When d-did it happen?" The boys voice trembled through his sentence.

   "We're not sure, most likely last night" Natasha's voice was smooth and created certainty, even if her words said otherwise.

   Without saying anything else, Peter dashed back to his room, only wanting isolation. Everyone's instant reaction was just 'what do I do?' as they saw the teen left. No one knew what to do, as it wasn't their kid, but they felt obligated to help. Natasha stood up, taking the initiative, like she always did. The other members relaxed, knowing that the assassin would get it handled and probably make everything better.

   She made her way down the hall, out of eyesight from the rest of the team. Turning, she finally saw the kids door, taking a deep breath and continuing. As she drew near she felt an unwanted presence. Whirling around, and taking out her knife she always had on her, she pushed a mystery figure against the wall.

   "Well hello to you too" A devious cackle came from a tall, thin man.

   "What do you want Loki?" She sounded tired and annoyed from wasting energy on the man.

   "Let me go in there" He became soft for a minute, then regathering his twisted masculinity. "With the boy"

   "Huh?" Was all that she could come up with, seeing as she never thought that Loki cared for the kid, or anyone in that matter.

   "Listen, I just want to help, and I strongly believe that I can" He paused for a minute, trying to soak in her confused expression. "In this matter" He added, so it didn't seem totally obnoxious.

   "What're you going to do?" Nat stood there, unsure of him.

   "A magician never reveals his secrets" He smirked, walking away from the conversation.
   "No magic" She called after him as he approached the teens door.

   "Aw, you're no fun" He bantered, quietly opening the door.

   I wrote this during a country festival, and that takes talent my friend

   Why do I keep writing during my concerts lol

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