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“Dirk! Get out of the bathroom! DON’T DO ANYTHING STUPID I SWEAR TO GOD! DIRK!”

I ignored the excessive calls from outside the bathroom door and I searched the room for paper and a pen.  I knew there was some in here as I kept some in every room encase an idea popped into my head at unlikely times. When I find it I begin my final letter.


Jake English, my love

Words cannot express how I feel when you are not close to me,
These past six years I always believed that if I continued to write these letters to you,
Then, eventually, I would get a reply.

Even if that reply was to tell me to leave you alone,
It would’ve been better than nothing.

Earlier today all my memories came back to me.
I remember how you died protecting me.
How you died by jumping in front of a bullet set off by Jack.
How your final words were:
 ‘Thank you for loving me and thank you for the adventure you shared with me’

You seemed so calm and peaceful in your final moments,
Whereas I was a state,
I wasn’t strong for you,
I let you see how much this was going to effect my life,
Of course it was, you are the love of my life, forever and onwards.

I paused for a moment and scurried onto my knees, reaching under the bathroom shelf.  I reached around until I felt the cold, shiny, metal surface of my emergency gun.  I held it in my hand as I continued writing.

By the way, Jake,
I’ll be seeing you soon.
Since I never received a reply from you…
I’ll come to you and get one myself

See you soon, my love.

Every day.  I wrote you a letter every day, mailed them, and then wrote another.  The English language will never be enough to express what I feel for you.  Love will never even come close to describe the feeling I harbour in my soul.  Whatever this confusing feeling is, I know for a fact it is irrevocable.  And not even once have you ever replied to me or come to me. 

So I decided that I would come to you.

I took a deep breath and pulled the trigger.

One shot.  Then it all went dark.

A Clingy Boy Sticking To Love For 15 Years - DirkJakeWhere stories live. Discover now