Years 13 & 14

586 38 3

Still nothing.

There are still no memories and still no reply from you.

The only thing keeping me sane through this entire experience is the love I feel for you, Jake English.  Though I’m not with you nor have I seen you these past five years, I can say with all honesty that I can’t imagine living in a world without you, ever.  I’m always afraid; each and every day is always so frightening.  My mind is completely pitch black however there is one thing that never leaves my head.  You.  Your image is always up there taking up the majority of the space.  Leaving little room for me to remember to eat properly or exercise like I used to, according to Dave.

Just once, I wish that I could see your face just once.  And not in a picture but in person.  That’s what I wish for but before anything else, all I want is just one reply.  Just one.

A Clingy Boy Sticking To Love For 15 Years - DirkJakeWhere stories live. Discover now