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Elizabeth's POV

"Okay E, you can do this," I said to myself, "Just tell Gavin how you feel. It's no big deal... " I started to walk through the woods looking for Gavin, when I saw a dead deer. I slowly walked up to it, but before I got there something weird surrounded me and pulled me up. There were holes in it and my paws kept faling through, but i couldn't fit through them. I yelped and howled, but as it turns out, I had wandered farther away from the pack than I had thought, and they couldn't hear me. 

After awhile, I started hearing things coming towards me. Two creatures wanlking on two legs approached me and I growled to keep them away. They lifted me out by my tail, stuffed me in a metal container, and locked it. They threw some food into my container, and left. whithout relizing it, I fell asleep. Awhile later, I awoke to the sound of another wolf yelping and howling. Soon, another container was beside me, and when I looked over, it was... Gavin!!! "Gavin?!?! What are you doing here? What happened?"

He looked over at me, "Lizzie? I was looking for you, but then i got caught in something those creatures call a net. What happened to you?" he asked.

"The same thing happened to me! I was looking for you and i got caught in a 'net', and they threw me in here. I think they call it a cage," i said.

"What were you looking for me for," we asked in unison.

"I have to tell you something G, I... I like you. Alot. In fact, I'm in love with you..." I said looking deep into his gorgeous green eyes.

"Lizzie, that was exactly what I have wanted to hear since I first met you. That's why I was trying to find you."

Will Gavin and Lizzie ever escape? What will happen now that they have confessed their love for each other? Find out in the next chapter of... Call of the Wolf!!!

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